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Jared led Evan to the car to drive him home. They didn't say much throughout the ride until Jared suddenly swerved off onto another rode. ", missed the exit." Evan mumbled.

Jared replied, "I know."

"Sorry." Evan looked down at his hands.

"Don't be." Evan give him a small smile and stared out the window. The sunset was gorgeous, and he couldn't take his eyes off it. Jared chuckled quietly at his amusement. He pulled over and stopped the car. "Wh-what are you doing?" Evan asked, nervous. Jared stepped out of the car. "C'mon."

They walked up a pebbly road towards a small ice cream parlor. "À La Mode." Evan read the sign aloud and grinned. "You remembered?"

Jared shrugged, his cheeks turning a dusty pink. "It was all a part of your big, elaborate story."

"Yeah." Evan suddenly grabbed Jared's hand and raced up the path. They sat down in a booth towards the back. Once Jared's rocky road and Evan's extra large banana split were seated in front of them, Jared laughed. "You're like a little kid.".

Evan took a bite of his bowl of heaven. "Well, I never had the ordinary childhood. Abandonment issues, amiright?" He faked a laugh.

"Wow. Deep."


Jared took a deep breath. "Haven't I told you this before? Quit apologizing so damn much!"

"Sorry." Jared glared at him, but laughed anyway. He took his first bite of rocky road and moaned. "Oh my god it's, like, melting in my mouth."

Evan raised his eyebrows. "Well, it is, like, ice cream..."

Jared reached across the table and lightly punched him in the arm while saying "Shut up!" The sudden movement caused Evan to drop his spoon and spill his ice cream on his pants. Although Evan turned beet red, Jared that the endeavor was hysterical.

Evan glared at him. "I. Hate. You."

"Aw, now. Don't say that. You know you love me."

Evan shook his head. But deep down, there was a voice inside, that said.


Evan shook the thought away and continued digging into his dessert. "Okay, but, who came up with the idea for ice cream?" Jared asked, although it was hard to hear with his mouth full of rocky road. Evan tapped his hand against his chin and feigned a thought. "Someone amazing." He finally answered.

Jared nodded. "Like honestly, I would marry that dude."


"I know."



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