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"I think I should go visit Connor." Jared looked down at his boyfriend, who was laying in his lap as Jared played with his hair. The two had an hour before class started at the university, and decided to cuddle on the couches outside the classroom. "You do?" He asked. "W-well...I, uh, I think I owe it to him, you know?" Jared smiled. Evan was nervous around him, even when they were dating. It was adorable. "You sure?" He asked. "I know he wasn't the sun child I made him up to be," Evan said. "But I did start a foundation for him..." He trailed off, not really knowing what to say next. 

"Okay. Let's go." Jared said. 


He chuckled. "I'm obviously coming with you. I was a part of your big elaborate lie, too. And besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I literally dropped you off at a graveyard and drove away?" Evan sat up and kissed him on the cheek. "I really don't know what I'd do without you." He whispered, resting his head on Jared's shoulder. "And I you." Jared replied. They turned slightly to see a group of students staring at them with strange looks. Evan looked down sadly, but Jared wasn't having any of it. He looked directly at them then pulled Evan's head up in a passionate kiss. Once he broke away, with Evan wide-eyed and blushing, he flipped the students off as they walked away, disgusted. "Why do you always do that?" Evan giggled. "It's fun." Jared replied, grabbing his backpack and Evan's hand as the bell rang. "Come on, we're gonna be late."  

Once class was over, the two headed to the local flower shop that was owned by Alana's family. Alana was off to a college that was six hours away, but she would drive back and forth to visit her family and Zoey, who went to the closest university with Evan and Jared. "Hi, Mrs. Beck." Evan said quietly. Mrs. Beck was a very successful multi entrepreneur, owning four businesses in the town. She was one of the most intimidating woman Evan had ever met. "Oh, if it isn't Evan Hansen. Any lies you need to drag my daughter in to?" Jared opened his mouth to retort, but Evan squeezed hand. "Don't." He whispered. They looked back at Mrs. Beck, standing behind the counter with her arms crossed. "Mrs. Beck, we're just here for some flowers." Jared growled.

"No, really?" She rolled her eyes. "What do you need?"

"Uh...something dark?"

"Dark?" She arched her perfectly sculpted brow. Jared nodded. Evan looked at him, confused. "Well, he always wore black and grey...I assumed he liked dark colors." He told him. Evan nodded. 

"The darkest we have is purple transvaal daisies." Mrs. Beck said. "Would you like to see those?" The boys nodded. She went to the back room, creme heels clicking across the linoleum floor. "Well...she hates us." Jared stated, letting out a chuckle. Evan nodded. "I-it's my fault." He stared at his feet. "No, Evan..." Jared rested his hand on Evan's shoulder. "It's not." 

Evan opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by an annoyed cough. "These are the daises." She said, obviously reluctant to help the boys. She shoved the flowers at Evan and walked behind the counter. "Are you purchasing them? Or are you just going to drive business away with your lies?" Jared balled his fists and Evan stepped in front of him, handing her his credit card. She pursed her crimson lips and swiped the card, then slamming it down and slid it across the counter. "Have a good day." Evan said, giving her a smile. She rolled her eyes and turned away. Jared took Evan's hand and led him out of the store. The minute the door closed behind them they let out sighs of relief. Evan bit his lip, which Jared knew as a sign of distress. "Hey." Evan looked up at him. "It's not your fault." Evan shook his head. "D-didn't you hear her? 'Any more lies to tell, Evan?' 'Are you here to drive my business away, Evan?' She hates us because of me, Jared." 

"It doesn't matter if one...evil...woman likes you. Zoey likes you, Alana likes you, I more than like can't make everyone happy, babe. I know you want to, but it's impossib-" He paused. Evan was beaming. "What?" He asked, cheeks reddening. "Did there something...I...what?" Evan chuckled at the embarrassment. "No, it's called me 'babe'."

"Evan, I'm gay. I call everyone 'babe'." 

Evan shrugged. "No one's ever called me that." Jared laughed. "Well, get used to it. Now come on, we've got a graveyard to get to."

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