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My name is Minatozaki Sana, I'm Japanese who is working as Travel Journalist. I can actually travel lots of place, be a part of various other cultures and tradition in the foreign country, and tasting every sweet cuisines of several lands, that why I love my Job, I never get bored of being a Travel Journalist.

It is a abit hard in the begining as I'm a girl, working as a Travel Journalist is tiring and some kind of dangerous things to do as I must fly around the world alone, and doing my Job just by the technology's help. My parents objected to this things before, but by the time they understand what their daughter love and want as now I have been working in this field for three years long.

I can't tell that I was good and I'm the best travel journalist for my company, but yes, everyone need to keep improving day by day cause the time is flowing, the world is growing old, and we must being greater and greater.

Now, I'm standing in the heavens of Tulips, Netherlands. I can feel the air of Holland really fresh, so good.. I can't explain it anyomore.
This is the beautiful country that I will be live in, for more than a month.

"Excuse me, Can I have my room ready? I have reserved it a week ago" I said to the front desk staff at the hotel.
"Okay, sorry before. Can I have your name?" The staff asked.
"Minatozaki Sana," I said.
"Okay, Please, wait for a moment Miss," the staff said as I have a seat in the waiting room.
"Miss Minatozaki?" The staff called my name as I stand up and walk to the front table again.
"Yes?" I said.
"Can I see the reservation form or email?" The staff said as I give her my phone and show her the email.
"I have booked it, a week ago and you said that no room left?" Someone shouted to the staff beside me as I looked at her.
"Yes, we are sorry for that, this is the system error from our website that there is two people booked the last room for the same day," the staff said.
"Check the fucking minutes, who is faster?" The girl said.
"It is the same minutes and in the same second too, and we give the room to that Miss because she is here first," the staff said as she points me.
"Woah.. what is happening here?" I asked the other staff as the tall girl keep glaring at me.
"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Miss," the staff said as she lead me to my room

"Wait, girl" the tall girl stop me as she glared at me.
"What?" I asked.
"This is not fair," she said as she looked at me.
"I'm here first, the faster win," I said.
"But, that's still not fair for me" she whined.
"Find another hotel, girl," I said as I turned around want to walk away.
"No room left, this is holiday weeks," she said as I keep walking.
"Hey, let's just share then.. I need to work here" she said.
"I need to work here too," I said as I enter the lift that going to close but she slips her hand to stop me.
"Let's share the room" she said
"No, I'm not even know who are you" I said as she is standing in betwen the door that the lift not going to work if she is still there blocking the door.
"Get away, I need to go to my room," I said as she pulls her luggage into the lift with her.
"Our room," she said.
", my room .. just go and find another hotel, I don't want to get into a trouble with stranger on my first day in holland" I said.
"No more room left, girl. Please" she begs as we arrived at the floor where my room is.

The staff help me with my stuff and opening the door as that girl brags in.
"Hey... get out this is my room... sir get rid of her," I said as I asked the staff to drag her out.
"Sjkddjwjgsjagdkdhdjdjd" she speaks Dutch to the staff as I don't understand it that the staff left us.
"Shit.. what are you saying to him?" I asked as I enter my room.
"I'm saying that you are a terrorist and asked him to call the police," she said.
"Stop joking and get out from my room, nowww," I shouted as the staff comes back with the security that is holding a gun pointing it at me..
"Get down" the shouted as I raise my both hand and squat down.
"Fuck you, you want to die?" I mumble as she speaks to the security.
"Wkdjdgjsvdhsj," she said again in Dutch.
"What the fuck, are you saying again?" I asked.
"So you want to share the room or not?" She asked as I looked up at her.
"Tell them that you are joking, first," I said.
"So then you want to share? Promise?" She said as squat down and looked at me.
"Yes yes.. fucking asked them to stop pointing me with that gun," I said.
"I'm sorry, I should just use English.. I think you guys misunderstand about what I mean, she is my wife and we just have an argument, I'm sorry" she said as they go back without word that I run to the door and locks it.
"Damn you, why you are calling them? That is so creepy, and what the fuck is you are saying? I'm not your wife" she said as she walks to unpack her things.
"Sorry, that is just the way I can get the room with the fucking stubborn girl like you," she said.
"What did you said? Fucking stubborn girl? I'm paying for this room and you just fucking threatened me" I said as she walks towards me.
"Stubborn beautiful angel" she whispers as she walks to the bathroom with her towel and clothes in hand.
"Heyyyyy" I shouted.

"Hey, I need to know your name" she comes out just with the towel on her and her wet hair.
"Sana," I said as I'm in front of my laptop writing.
"I'm Tzuyu, from Taiwan.. photograper" she said as she extends her hand.
"Ah.. photograper? I'm a Travel Journalist" I said.
"Wow, good match," she said as she looked into my laptop.
"What are you looking at?" I said as I cover my laptop.
"Hmm.. No, let's go down and have a dinner, Sana" she said.
"Go yourself, I will go alone," I said.
"Let's go together, let's be a friend," she said as she bent down and look at me.
"Hmmpphh.." I sighed.
"Why? don't be afraid.. I'm not a bad person, Sana" she said as she gives me her smile.
Oh gosh her dimple, it is so cute..
"Hey.. stop staring at me like that." She said.
"I'm not," I said as I turned away and grab my sweater and put it on and walk out the room.
"What are you doing? Come on" I said as she followed me behind.
"Since you are the one who asking, you pay for the dinner," I said.
"Eh? What?" She said.
"You pay" I winked at her.

"How long will you stay here?" She asked as we are having our dinner at the hotel restaurant
"Hmmm about a month of maybe more, you?" I asked back.
"Same.." she said as we continue to eat.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" She suddenly asked as I choke.
"Ehmmm hmmm ha haaa." I gulp on my water as she looks at me confused.
"What's wrong with that question?" She asked.
"Why are you asking about that?" I asked.
"Because If you have one, I will be staying with someone's girlfriend and that is not polite," she said.
"Luckily, no.. why? You want to be my girlfriend?" I asked as now she is the one choking.
"Ehmmm ehmm.. sorry I need to go... hmmm to toilet" she said as she leaves me. she come back from the toilet and we are done with our dinner, we go back to our room.

"Where will you go tomorrow?" She asked.
"Haarlem," I said as she stands beside me who is typing for my work on my laptop.
"Then go together," she said as she climbs up the table and sits on it facing me.
"Should we?" I said as I looked at her.
"Let's go, and for your question before..." she said as I put off my glasses at look at her.
"Which?" I asked.
"If I want to be your girlfriend," she said as I widen my eyes and grinned.
"Let's do it, I want to be your girlfriend but just for this 30 days," she said.
"Hahaha.. no, I'm just joking before," I said as I turn off my laptop.
"Starting from tomorrow, then end after 30 days, okay?" She said.
"I'm here not for a game, Tzuyu," I said.
"I know, me either..but let's just do it," she said.
"With some condition, falling in love is forbidden, and we will stop this after 30 days, and pretend that we don't know each other after that" she continues.
"How to date someone that you don't love? And a stranger?" I said
"That's sound interesting, right? Having a girlfriend in the foreign country? Who is a stranger" She continues.
"Crazy, bitch.. I want to sleep.. good night" I said as I lie on the bed and ignore her.
"I will take it as yes.. start from tomorrow, Okay?" She said as she lies beside me and turning off the light.

Their love story will begin soon....
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