Day 25: Let's Fly

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Sana's POV

Do you know the feelings for being in someone caress and you don't even want to get out from it. That is what I feel now.. I want to be here on her arm everyday, everynight and everymorning I wake up.. everytime I open my eyes the first thing I see is her.. Chou Tzuyu.. the person.. the only person I love with my all..
"Good morning" Tzuyu smiled at me as she plays with my hair.
"Morning" I peck her lips as she smirks.
"Ummm.. today will be fun.. so get up now and prepared yourself" Tzuyu said as she pinched my cheeks and get up.
"Okay.. where are we going to?" I asked.
"Secret.. go take a bath.. I will be back" she said as go out from the room..

I don't know what is she preparing for today.. that is what I love from her and being with her.. she is full of surprise.. everyday.. even if she is really mysterious sometimes.. but yeah she is the girl who has stole my heart away..

"Are you ready?" Tzuyu comes in and asked.
"Yeah" I smiled at her as she holds my hand and lead me the way..
"Umm.. here.. for you" she said as she give me a bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you, babe.. why suddenly?" I asked.
"It is 25 days we are together" she said as we are on our way to somewhere.

"So... Sana.. wait here...and watch the sky.." Tzuyu said as she runs to a building leaving me.
"What? Hey.. where are you going?" I asked.
"I will be back,babe.. just wait.. I love you" she said as she run away..
I look up the sky looking at the blue and the beautiful clouds which the birds keep flying and playing with each other until I heard a sound of a plane in the sky turning around and around.. they are doing an attraction or something?
Suddenly the plane draw something on the sky with the cloud and it is a love shape..
OMG.. it is so beautifull.. but wait.. what? It is a skydiving plane?

Someone skydive from above until she reach the ground near me and it is my girlfriend.
She runs to me with every safety stuff still on her..
"Woahh.. hey.. you see that?" She is panting.
"Yes.. I see that.." I said as she hold me and hit her lips on mine.
"I love you, Sana" she pulls off and give mw the card

"I love you, Sana" she pulls off and give mw the card

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"So... would you like to try?" She asked.
"What? Skydiving?" I asked her back.
"Yes.. skydiving.. it is fun..let's go.. I will be with you" Tzuyu said.
"Really? It is scaring" I said.
"Noo.. it is fun.. don't worry babe.. I will be with you.. let's fly together" she said as she lead me to the building and asked me to do the skydiving with her.

We are on the plane.. flying around the sky as it is the time to have the skydive.
"Tzuyu.. this is so high.. OMG" I whine as she hugs me
"It's okay.. not that high babe..." she smile and she pulled me with sudden..
"Okay.. go" the staff said as Tzuyu Jumps with me on her arm.
I shouted like crazy while she is laughing at me..
"Heyy.. hey... it is okay.. this is fun.. look down there it is beautiful" she shouted as I look down and it makes me shouted louder.

The skydiving is end as finally I step on the ground again.
"Woah.. that is crazy" I said
"Isn't it fun?" Tzuyu asked.
"Yes it is but.. OMG.. I think my heart almost exploded" I said as Tzuyu giggled.

To be continued...

Will update soon 😉😉

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Thanks for reading...

*hiiii!! Umm I'm sorry for slow update.. hope you enjoy the story*

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