Day 13: Water

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Sana's POV

"Morning Babe, you have to wear your swimming suit today" Tzuyu said as I just wake up from my dream, I get up from thw bed as Tzuyu is searching for her stuff inside her bag.
"Swimming suit?" I walk to her and as hugs her from back, still feeling sleepy.
"Yess, you have it, right? We will go to Holland park pool today, play with water" Tzuyu said as she turns back to look at me and bent down to peck my lips.
"Really? Yess I'm excited" I said as I buried my face on her chest as I can feel her hand is caressing me.
"Yes, Babe" she said.


We arrived at Holland park pool as I just changes into my swimming suit, hmm not swimming suit but a bikini I think, what will her expression will be like If she see me like this?
I walk out from the changing room as I see the tall figure with her sexy hot body leaning on the wall waiting for me to come out as she looks around and our eyes meet, I can see she is smirking.
I walk towards her as I can see her tempted eyes looking all over my body from head to toe.
"Wow, my baby looks really hot" she said as I linked my arm on hers.
"You are hotter than me, babe" I said as she giggled.

We walk towards the pool and of course I will be naughty to her, I pushed her to the pool as she startled and fall into the water.
"Yaaaaaaaaa...Sanaaaaa" she whines as I get down and sit in the edge of the pool.
"Sorry, babe" I smirk as she swims closer towards me.
"Come in" she holds both of my arms and asked me to join her.
"Catch me, babe" I let her hans go as I get up and ready to throw myself into her who is in the water.
"Hey hey" Tzuyu shouted as I jump into the water that splash so hard and the water even hit my face hard.
"Ouchh," Tzuyu said as she swims towards me and I felt her hand around my waist that I loop my hand on her neck.

Tzuyu look up at me as she push me back to the edge of the pool, pushing me in between the pool wall and her.
"I love you, Sana" Tzuyu said as I lean closer towards her face and kiss her with every passion in me that I can feel her soft touch on my waist, with the water keep giving the tasted of the waves on our body, even hitting on our heart with that waves that keep beating inside me.
"I love you more, Tzuyu" I pull off as I said that to her then she looks at my lips wanting another kissed that I lean to her again pressed my lips on hers but.
"Ouchh" suddenly something hit Tzuyu as she let me go and look at the other side that all the kids near the pool is playing with the balls that keep throwing it as it hits Tzuyu and stop our making out session.
"Ya--" Tzuyu want to scold them but I block her mouth with my hand.
"They are just playing, don't get mas at them, babe" I said as I splash the water to Tzuyu
"Yaa, Sanaaa" she whines as I swim away from her and she followed me behind,
"I got you" she said as again she catch me, then we play with the water again and again without even notice that we played in there for too long.

"Sana, let's go back" Tzuyu get off from the pool as she extends her hand, offering me.
I hold her hand as she pull me up.
She get the towel and warps it onto my body.
"Did you have fun today babe?" she asked as I'm rubbing my wet hair.
"Yes of course, I always have fun in my every moment with you" I said as she smiled
"So, here, Today's" she said as she hand me today's card.

"Yes of course, I always have fun in my every moment with you" I said as she smiled"So, here, Today's" she said as she hand me today's card

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To be continued...

Will update soon 😉😉

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