Day 1: Sunset

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Sana's POV

My phone alarm ring as I stretch my body..
"Hoaaaaaaa" I slowly open my eyes when I felt someone is turning off the alarm, she slowly comes towards me and reaches my phone that I place on the table beside the bed.
" make me shocked," I said as my eyes meet that stranger eyes, so close, her face is so fucking close, damn.
"Good morning, babe," she said as she cupped her hand to my face that I still on a daze.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked as still, I stare at her.
"Let's just say yes, you looks so beautiful even if you just wake up" she continue as I still speechless.
"How long you will stare at me like that?" She said as she smiles at me.
OMG.. what is wrong with me? I just feel like I'm still in my dream, why she is so pretty? And why she is here? In front of me? My heart is going to explode.
"Babe" she calls me with babe again?
"Hey.. let's get ready.. this is our first day" she gets up and winked at me.
"Babe? First day?" I asked as I wake up from my daydream.
"Yes, you are my girlfriend, so I call you babe, anything wrong?" She said as she crawls back to the bed facing me again as I close my eyes.
"I'm not going to do anything, what are you expecting?" She said as she gets up after teasing me.
"Guess you give up and agree with me, right? Nothing can overcome my charm," she said.
Yes, bitch you win, you just attack my heart with your eyes that are enough to make me crazy.
Damn why? Noo.. Sana.. I'm here for working.. ignore this crazy bitch.

"Who get to shower first?" Tzuyu asked.
"Me" I get up as I go grab my towel.
"Wait, how about showering together?" She asked.
"It is a good idea if you want me to kill you and have a blood shower," I said as flatter her face with my soft slaps on her cheeks down to her chin as she bites her lower lips.
"I like my grumpy girlfriend," she said as she holds my wrist and kisses my hand.
"Okay, you can go, shower first, we can have it together in another chance," she said as I turned away from her and ready to enter the bathroom.
"Don't ever think about it," I said as I go inside the bathroom and close the door.
"Don't forget to lock the door or I will sneak inside" she shouted.
"Shut the fuck up," I said as I lock the door. Damn, she is annoying but I can't even stand her charm.

I did my shower as I come out and found that Tzuyu is at the balcony playing with her camera, capturing the morning scenes.
"Done?" She asked as I still rubbing my wet hair.
"Hmmm.. your turn," I said.
"Okay," she said as she winked at me.
"Wait for me beautiful" she walks pass by me and whispers.
I go to the balcony as she left her camera there, I open it and check it.
Wow... she is good at this.. all the capture turns out perfectly, okay.. let's check it more..
I'm playing with her camera didn't even realizing that I have spent about 30 minutes with the camera and when I looked back.
"Ohh shit, you shocked me again" Tzuyu is standing behind me looking at me with her hand holding the balcony railing with me in between.
"You will not finished it, I will show you more later, babe.. now we have to go" she said as I return her camera and walk into the room packing my stuff that I need to bring for today's journey to Haarlem.

We took a taxi to Frans Hals Museum as I need to learn about artwork and science at the holland so I can write it in my Journal. I never forgot to bring my note as I will always take a note of every important things that I should put on my Journal.
"Ik hou van je, Sana," she said as the driver looks at us and smile.
"What are you saying? Why is he smiling? You talk about me, huh?" I asked as she holds my hand and again she kiss it.
"Your girlfriend?" The driver asked Tzuyu.
"Yes, beautiful, right?" Tzuyu said.
"Mooi," the driver said.
"What he said?" I asked.
"You ugly" she whispers as she laughed.
"Okay, I'm ugly and please stop flirting with me," I said as she laughed again.
"Dank je," Tzuyu said to the driver as we get out from the taxi and walk ready to enter the museum.

"Wait up, babe" she shouted as suddenly she linked her arm to mine.
"Please, don't be mad at me. I don't talk bad about you, the driver said you are beautiful, Mooi is beautiful.." she said as I keep walking and enter the museum.
"Okay whatever," I said as she whispers.
"Okay, ik hou van je, babe," she said.
"What the fuck is it? Stop talking in Dutch I don't understand" I said as I let her go and walk away.
"I love you... that's mean I love you.. hey" she run to catch me as I'm walking around the museum reading the story and the note of the artwork then I start to take a note of it as I didn't realize that Tzuyu is busy with her camera capturing the artwork herself.
She looks so cool with her camera, I can't lie about that.
Suddenly there are another tourist approach her and talking to her as I walk towards them.
"Oh... sure," Tzuyu said as Tzuyu take a photo of them.
Guess they ask Tzuyu to help them to take a photo of them.
"Thank you," they said.
"Hmm wait, help me now, please," Tzuyu said as she hands her camera to the tourist and pulls me towards her as she put her hand around my shoulder.
"Hey.. look at the camera.. say cheeesee," she said.
"Thank you," Tzuyu said as she gets her camera back and checks in the photo.
"Why you look at me? Hmmpphh." She said as she shows me the photos.
"Should I keep this?" She asked.
"Delete it," I said as she nodded.
"Okay.." she said as she walks away and continues to take a capture at the museum.

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