Day 12: Ice Cream

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Sana's POV

It is a good day to be with her, my day, everyday is the best day ever for me if Tzuyu with me, I don't know what she hides from me, but I don't care, I know she loves me and she will always be with me, I will just believe it, she is not just playing, we are serious.
"Tzuyu...." I called her as we are walking around the crowded, she is working with her camera, capturing all the activity around.
"Hmmm?" She hummed as she is chacking her camera, I linked my arm to her as she looks at me.

"I Love You" I said as she smiled and blushed.
"I Love You too baby" she said as she cupped her hand to my face and peck a kiss on my lips.
"Aren't you hungry? Let's find something to eat" Tzuyu said.
We walk around to find something to eat with my eyes still on her, I will just stay here with her, I don't want to go back, I will just having my work here forever if this girl will be here with me, here in Holland I find her, I find my happiness, I find the love of my life, and I won't let anything to break it.

We arrived at one small store as Tzuyu pulls me inside and having a seat at the empty table there, we ordered the foods and drinks, everything looks delicious,
I look around this simple store as suddenly I felt something warm landed on my hand, as I look at it, it was my princess hand.
"You like to be here, baby?" Tzuyu said as she played with my hand.
"Hmmm, I like it everywhere if I'm with you, baby" I said as she smiled at me.
"Then.. what if I'm not here?" Tzuyu said.
"Hmmm I will feel so lonely" I said as she slowly lift my hand and kiss it.
"You will not baby" she said as she smiled at me.
"Of course, because you will always be with me, right?" I asked her as she again put my hand on her lips and hold it tight.
"Hmmm" she hummed.

"Excuse me, here is your meals" the store employee served our food as Tzuyu let my hand go.
"Thank you" Tzuyu said to the employee as the employee left.
"So, let's eat and we will go get an ice cream after this" Tzuyu said.
"Ice cream?" I asked.
"Hmm" she hummed as she focused on her food.
"Why ice cream?" I asked.
"Because I want an Ice cream" Tzuyu said as I giggled then having our meals.

"Let's go get Ice cream, baby" Tzuyu excitedly said.
"You like ice cream that much? Just like a little baby" I said as she grinned at me.
"I'm not a little baby, I'm your baby" She said as I giggled
"Uuuuu little baby girl" I tease her as I rubbed her hair.
"Stoppp, I'm not little baby girl" she whined as she glared at me with her cute face.
"Okay, Tzuyuu.. that is what you want" I said as I point the ice cream store stand.
"Aaaahh yess" she said as she hold my hand and pull me towards the stand.

"Sir, give me two of it" Tzuyu said as the ice cream man busy with the ice cream.
"Here, girls" the man said as Tzuyu paid for the ice cream.
"This little baby, excited now? Having your ice cream" I tease Tzuyu as she licks on her ice cream.
"Yes, Mom" she said as I laughed.
"I'm not your Mom" I said as Tzuyu ignored me and that ice cream is fully grab her attention

"Need a help?" Tzuyu said as she had done her ice cream with super fast.
"Help?" I asked as she looked at my ice cream.
"Ohh.. you want mine?" I asked as she shaked her head.
"So what is it?" I asked as I saw an evil smirk on her face.
She put her right hand on my shoulder as her left holding my wrist which the ice cream still on it. She lean towards me and kiss me.
"You are the one such like a baby," she said as she continue to kiss me.
I pull away from her and
"What?" I asked as she bit her lower lips.
"It is all over your mouth" she said.
"Now, It is okay" she said as she give a peck on my lips again.
"Here" she said as she give me her everyday habits

"Here" she said as she give me her everyday habits

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To be continued...

Will update soon 😉😉

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