Day 23: Eyes

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Sana's POV

I cuddled with my girlfriend the whole night, and that is the best feelings that I ever had everyday, everynight just with her..
She is cute while sleeping her nose her lips, her everything.. beautiful..
It is feels like a dream that I can have her to be mine.. the most beautiful dream that I don't want to wake up from it..
"Good morning, babe" suddenly she openes her eyes and look at me who have woke up before her.
"Morning babe" I said as she kissed me.
"So, how are you? What do you feel now?" She asked as she stroke my hair.
"Umm.. I'm totally okay now, thanks to you" I said.
"Not me, but the vitamin that the doctor give you" Tzuyu said
"But you are my vitamin too" I said
"Huh? I'm not" she sticks her tongue out as I hit her
"Yaaa" I hit her again and again as she giggled and take her revenge to tickle me.

"So we should just stay home today? Playing games?" Tzuyu said as we go out from the hospital room and ready to get back to the hotel.
"Playing games?" I asked
"Yeah, we can just borrow it from the staff" she said.
"Can we?" I asked.
"Yeah.. I will borrow it later" she said as she lingers on me and get into the taxi and go back to the hotel.

We arrived at our room and Tzuyu is busy with the Xbox she borrow from the staff..
In the end we played the games like two crazy girl till we even forgot the time, flies so fast..

I throw myself on the bed and looking up to the ceiling.
"Are you tired?" Tzuyu asked
"Little.. but it is fun.. ehh" I said as suddenly she climb to the bed and pinned me as I can see her on top of me now.
"Time flies, Sana.. its flies so fast" she said as we look at each other eyes.
"Hmmm" I hummed as I cupped her cheeks and she holds my hand.
"I love you" she said as she kissed me
I loop my hand on her neck, she pulled off
"I don't want this to end" she said.
"Nothing will end, Tzuyu.. what are you saying?" I said as she gets up.

"No, let it go, I want to go to toilet" she said as I get up and she walk in the bathroom awkwardly.
Again, she is being weird, she is really want to leave me? After this 30 days? Is it really just a game for her? But I believed that she loves me so much how can she still think to leave me.. I can see it in her eyes she loves me.. she does love me..

I lie on the bed trying to sleep as Tzuyu come to me and kissed my cheeks.
"Goodnight, Sana.. I love you" she said as I turned back to look at her as she startled that I haven't sleep.
"Eh? Still awake?" She said as I pull her towards me and hugs her tight.
"Tzuyu, don't leave me, whatever is your reason, I love you.. I don't want you to go away.. I want you always be with me.. hmmm? Promise me?" I look at her as she smile.
She looks at me for so long without any words come out from her sweet lips.

"I love you Sana, but I can't promise that.. I don't know what will happen later" she said.
"But you love me" I whined.
"Yes I love you.. and it is just-" she said as I cut her with a kiss.
"Okay, don't say it if you don't want to say it" ai said as I look at her eyes and of course she gives me the card again, everyday..

"Wow, I want to see it too, so how?" I asked her as she giggled

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"Wow, I want to see it too, so how?" I asked her as she giggled.
"Look into mine, you can see it from there" she said as I smiled.
"My whole world is you, so don't leave me" I said as she kissed me, making out till we fell a sleep together in each other embrance

To be continued...

Will update soon 😉😉

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