Day 2 : Rain

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Tzuyu's POV

"Tzuyuuu... wake up" that cute squirell voice get inside my head as I open my eyes and see  the beautiful eyes staring at me,
"Come on, let's wake up, we need to go" she said as she smiles at me.
"Okay, babe.. stay here for some minutes," I said as I pull her to my caress as I hug her.
"What are you doing?" Sana asked.
"Hugging my girlfriend" I said as Sana can't get any words out from her mouth.
"What to do today?" I asked as she let me go.
"Molen de Adriaan"  Sana said as I go prepared myself to go with her.

When we arrived at Molen de Adriaan, we decided to take a tour with a canoe alongside the river of Spaarne River.
"Let's take the tour with that" Sana said as she points the canoe.
"Let's go," I said as I hold her hand and pull her towards the canoe.
"One round," I said to the tour guide.
"Okay" the tour guide said as I take a step into the canoe, offering my hand to Sana to help her.
She takes my hand as I help her in.
"Thank you" she said as she smile at me.
The canoe is slowly start to go along the riverside with the tour guide explaining about the history of the windmill in the Molen de Andriaan,
"The windmill is amazing" Sana said as she amazed with the scenery around,
I take alot of photo around this tour, this city is not an ordinary city, everything looks amazing.
"Ohh... rainingg" Sana said as I put my Camera to my bag and Sana suddenly pull me towards her covering me with the jacket.
"You are too tall," she said as I giggle.
"Here" I said as I take the jacket and expand it above us as she stay beside me.
The rain gets heavier but the sky still looks so bright, is the weather usually like this?

Sana's POV

"It is a waste, I think we should go back" I said as Tzuyu look at me.
"We haven't done the tour yet, it is still long to go, you want to go back?" She asked.
"No, but how? This is raining" I said.
"I will be your umbrella, Sana," she said as she looks into my eyes.
Her eyes make me fluttering, butterflies inside my stomach, heart beating like crazy. Why? I shouldn't have feel this, do I like her, yes I think I like her. This is strange, I just meet her and I think she changes my world just from one stare of her eyes.
I can't control myself anymore, I don't know what will I do now, someone helps me.. someone stop me....

I put my arms around her neck as she still holding to my jacket, blocking the rain to hit us.
Looking to her lips, can't even bear to taste the sweet of it anymore as I lean towards her and hit my lips to her. With the rain pouring down to my skin as Tzuyu give up with the jacket, now I feel her hand is on my waist and one on my face, we feel each other in beneath the crying clouds. Feeling like the time is stop, the world now is just ours.
She grabs my wrist as she pulls off.
"We just stop the rain," she said as our forehead still connected to each other, she plays with my hairs still with that sparkling eyes looking at me.
"But the rain can't stop us" as again we connect our lips to each other, I can feel my blood is boiling inside, with her soft lips going around to taste mine. I love her scent, her touch, everything was amazing.

"Guess the rain stop and our tour is done" she pull off as she stroke my hair gently, ended with a forehead kiss.
"What to do now?" She asked.
"Another destination," I said.
"Okay, but wait" she said as she grabs something from her pocket.
A card again?
"Second card" she said as she gives it to me.

A card again? "Second card" she said as she gives it to me

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