Day 6: Bubbles

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Sana's POV

We are at the beach again, now it is a bit different from before as we can see the beach is full of people who is looking up to the blue sky that full of kites, in every variation of it.
Tzuyu is busy with her camera, taking a picture of everything here, and I just walk around the beach looking at the people who fly the kite excitedly..
"Sana, you want to try?" Tzuyu suddenly comes to me holding the kite and smiled at me.
"Sure, but I never played that before" I said.
"It's okay I will help you" Tzuyu said

"We need to make this things up there first, okay, please hold this and if I asked you to ket go, you can let it go" Tzuyu said as she helps me to hold that things
"Okay" I said as I smiled at her and she runs to get string of the kite.
"Okay, babyy... let it go when I count to three" Tzuyu shouted as I smiled.
"One... two... three" I let the kite fly as she get to fly the kite just in one try..
"Sanaaa... come here" she shouted as I run to her.

"Okay, you want to try? Here, hold this" Tzuyu said as she leads me to hold the strings and teach me how to fly the kite well.
"Okay, good.. I will left it to you now" she said as she slowly let my hand go.
"Ohhh..wait wait.. ohhh.. wow" I said as I look up the sky looking at my kite as Tzuyy just take a photo of me.
"Hey, stop capturing me" I shouted
"I'm not, I'm capturing the girl behind you, she is beautiful" Tzuyu said as unintentionally I let off the strings and run to her.

"Ehhh.. shit... Sana the kite" Tzuyu said as she run to towards me and the strings.
"Ohh.. we almost let the kite died" Tzuyu said as she plays with thd kite.
"You stupid, that's is because of you" I said as I whined and hit her shoulder.
"Ehh.. ya ya.. don't hit me, you are the one who let it go" Tzuyu said.
"Cause you are keeping an eyes on another girl, so I need to punch you" I said as she laughed.
"Pfffttt... so you are jealous?" She asked.
"Of course, you bitch.. you have me why you keep seeing another girl?" I said as I try to snatch her camera which is looping on ber neck.

"Hey, wait.. what are you going to do?" Tzuyu said as I get to take her camera.
"I need to eliminate the bugs from my girlfriend camera" I said as she look at me grinning.
"Bugs?" She asked.
"Another girls that you may have cheat to" I said as she smirks.
"No, I won't cheat on you baby" she said as I checked on her camera and I found out mysekf smiling when I see my own face on her camera
She keeps capturing me when I don't even know it.

"No, I won't cheat on you baby" she said as I checked on her camera and I found out mysekf smiling when I see my own face on her cameraShe keeps capturing me when I don't even know it

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"Why you have so many of a beautiful girl on your camera? Pervert!" I tease her as she glared at me

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"Why you have so many of a beautiful girl on your camera? Pervert!" I tease her as she glared at me.
"I'm not pervert, she is my girlfriend, and that can't be called many, I just have one girlfriend and it is you, baby.. " she said as I walk to her and return her camera to her.
"You may have another back up of your another girlfriend photos, right?" I tease her as she suddenly peck my lips.
"No, baby, I just have one girlfriend and it is you, only you" she said as she looks at me, smiling.
"Hmmm are you sure? You are not lying to me, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, please believe in me" Tzuyu said as I lean towards her and kissed her.

We look up the sky and keep playing with the kite, with me being on Tzuyu's caress.
The moment with her feel so precious now, I never thought that I will be in this position, being in this time with someone that really make my heart flutter, even she has to be so myterious to me sometimes.
I look around the beach as I see the children is playing with the sand, build the sand castle, playing with the water, playing catch and run, and blowing out the bubbles.
The bubbles are flying around us, surrounding us and touch our skin for somehow.
Tzuyu let the kite down as she give me the sixth card.

She hugs me tight without words as I just can feel her caress and scent

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She hugs me tight without words as I just can feel her caress and scent. She is so warm that I feel I just want to stay like this with her forever, just with her. She makes me fall in love deeper to her in every second with her, would she feel the same? Or she still thinks that this is just a game, but I know she loves me too.

To be continued...

Will update soon 😉😉

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