part 7

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”I'm so sorry Aja, I got caught up in the moment. It will never happen aga-” I cut him off by putting a finger to his lips. I looked in his eyes and I saw fear along with this overwhelming love. I knew at that moment the real reason he was always cock-blocking me; he loved me more than a friend and I was too stupid to see it until now. I replaced my finger with my lips. Before I knew it I was on top of him with my arms around his neck. He licked my bottom lip for entrance, but I refused until he smacked my ass. I opened my mouth to gasp and he took that as an opportunity, and soon our tongues were battling for dominance. I put up a strong fight, but was no match to him. His hands traveled up and down my body until they were cupping my ass. After a few minutes I had to come up for air. I looked him in his eyes, gave him a quick peck and laid down on his chest. His heart beat matched my own. I was just about to fall asleep when Brandon spoke.

”Hey Aja?” Brandon asked playing with my hair.

”Yeah?” I yawned.

”I love you”

”I love you to Marcus.”

”Don't be calling me by my middle name La'shay.”


Within minutes I was asleep. It felt like one of the best dreams ever. I woke up a few hours later to a snoring Brandon. It felt nice to be in his arms. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was and I had 25 missed calls, 13 voicemails, and 32 texts. I started looking at the missed calls and most were from Keone, I had a few from Jaz, and a few from my mom. I was just about to call my mom back when Keone started calling.

Phone call:

Me: Hello?

Keone: where have you been? I have been calling you for hours.

Me: what happened?

Keone: Dad, Jamey and Jaylen were out and... And...

Me: And what Keone?

Keone: Dad got shot

Me: stop playing Keone this shit ain't funny.

Keone: this ain't a fucking joke Aja! The nigga is in critical condition.

Me: what room is he in?

Keone: he's in room 504

Me: ok be there in 2 minutes.

I hung up the phone and hopped out of the bed. I gave Brandon a quick peck then went straight to my dads room.

I entered his room after I composed myself in the hallway. When I walked in I saw my mom holding my dads hands with tears running down her face, Keone was looking out the window, Jamey was just staring into space and my dad was laid up in the hospital bed. He looked so lifeless. The tears streamed down my face as I walked to the other side of his bed. I whispered ”No one will understand this life, but we all get through it. I need you to get through this daddy. I need you to walk me down the isle eventually. I need you to see me on prom night and tell me to have fun, but not too much fun. I need you to make me feel better when I come to you in tears. I really need you to wake up, please daddy. I love you never ending, unconditionally and stronger than anything.” I kissed him on the cheek. I laid in the bed with him careful not to hit any cords or tubes he was connected to. He just laid there. I felt my heart breaking with each and every minute that passed. My father didn't deserve this, he was a good man. The tears I had managed to hold back were flowing freely.

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