Hope - Chapter 10

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Catrin's POV:

Hannah had invited us all round her house after college to get ready for tonight. Yes, tonight was the night we were having dinner with the boys and it would be the first time I'd see Calum since the incident. I was bricking it, but also for another reason. I had secrets too, as many as the next person; but there was one thing that even the girls didn't know.

"Cat, are you okay? You kinda zoned out a bit there." Sophie waved her hand in front of my eyes, smiling at me.

"What? Oh yeah, I'm fine!" I was aware of the false enthusiasm in my answer and the girls seemed to pick up on it too.

"What are you keeping from us?" Imogen asked slowly. Damn that girl was so perceptive.

"Nothing! Now can you drop it so we can all get ready? We're going to be late!" I turned my back on the group and smoothed the front of my dress which reached just above my knees, a nervous habit.

Once I was sure the girls had dropped it, I turned back around to face them. I'm truly blessed to have such beautiful and lovely best friends. Hannah was just zipping up the side of her tight olive green dress which also reached the top of her knees but had a slight slit up the side. Sophie wore a simple black dress which was floaty and delicate, with a flower design sewn across the neckline. Lastly I turned my attention to Imogen, broken, damaged Imogen. She looked stunning in a deep red dress much the same as Sophie's, and it contrasted with her pale skin and black hair. I love my friends, but if I tell them the truth then they'll be disappointed in me for sure. I've been living such a lie.

"Who wants me to do their makeup?" Hannah called to no one in particular.

"Me." I answered quietly, shuffling slowly towards her.

"Babe, you look stunning in that dress! Calum will have trouble keeping his hands off you!" Hannah winked and I smiled in response. My dress was nothing special, it was pale pink in colour and was made from chiffon material so it had a floating quality to it.

Soon we were all made up and ready to leave, gathered in Hannah's small hallway.

"I can't do this!" I blurted out, overcome with guilt and the need to tell the truth.

"What do you mean?" Imogen asked, her deep brown eyes peering at me.

"I need to tell you guys something."

They all exchanged glances, unsure of how to handle me and my unpredictable behaviour. I pity them, they have no idea of what's coming and I feel bad for keeping it from them for so long.

"I'll text Ash and tell him we're going to be a few minutes late." Sophie says, pulling her phone out of her handbag.

"No, I don't want to ruin your night. Go and have fun without me," I attempted to laugh but the sound came out more like a desperate wheeze.

"No, we're staying until you tell us what's going on." Hannah says firmly, leading us all into her kitchen where we sat around the table. Sophie came in a few minutes later.

"Ash says it's fine, they're running late anyway. So what's going on?"

Good question, Sophie. And I have no idea how to answer it.

"Well, it all began about a year ago," I started off, nervously cracking my knuckles before continuing, "I stupidly made an online dating profile because all the crap going down at college made sure I was getting nowhere in the romance department."

"You did what?!" Hannah yelled, more out of shock than anything.

"Shush Han, let her finish," Imogen said, before looking at me expectantly.

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