Confrontations - Chapter 13

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Luke's POV:

I lay awake the majority of the night just thinking. Thinking about Imogen, to be more specific. The way she looked in my clothes and the way she smelled after using my body wash was enough to drive me crazy. I thought she would be a wreck after the situation last night with her brother but she's stronger than I thought, and powered through it. I can remember the way she combed through her long hair last night, and how she took darting glances at me through the mirror when she thought I wasn't looking. I am still surprised that she agreed to sleep in the same bed as me, she was so close, yet not close enough.

Stretching up so I could see over Imogen's sleeping body, I saw that the time was 7:00am. Groaning, I flopped back down onto the mattress and stared up at the ceiling, absentmindedly humming a new song I was thinking about.

"Luke, you awake?" Calum suddenly whispered from across the room.

"No, I'm still sleeping," I answered with as much sarcasm as humanly possible, that boy could be so stupid sometimes.

"I don't need that tone from you mate, couldn't you sleep?" He yawned.

"Not really, but I don't mind. Why are you up so early?" I was whispering too so we didn't wake up Imogen, and I sat up in bed so that I could get a better view of Cal.

"I was thinking about Catrin, I even dreamed about her! What am I going to do?" His voice was laced with sadness and I felt suddenly sorry for my best friend. He didn't ask to be led on and then dumped, life was unfair sometimes.

"To be honest I think you just need to get over her, she's made it clear that she's not interested in you. I don't want to sound like a dick but it will only hurt more if you keep pining over her. Anyway, I thought you liked Polly-Anne?" I asked, the hazel eyed girl from last night suddenly popping into my mind.

"It's just so hard, things with Cat felt right even though we'd only just met. Yeah, Polly-Anne is cute and funny and really nice but I don't know, I'm still not over Catrin. I think if I wasn't so hung up over her then I might make more of an effort with Polly but I don't know..." It confused me to see Calum so lost and unsure, he had always been the steady band member. Seeing him like this unsettled me, and I had to get him back to the way he was before all these girl problems started.

"I'm going to take a shower." Cal sighed, before grabbing a few random clothes from his suitcase and locking himself in the en suite.

I shuffled down to the end of the bed and tried not to be too loud so I wouldn't disturb Imogen. She looked so peaceful lying there, her hair fanned out across the pillow and her lips slightly parted. She was curled up like a baby with her knees almost touching her chin and her hands pillowing her cheek. Looking at her right now, you would have no idea how much she's struggling, how many problems and dark thoughts are dragging her down each and every day. These moments of sleep are precious to people like her because they can escape the voices and struggles if only for a few hours. I wanted to be a quiet as possible so she could get as much of this precious sleep as she could.

Making sure she wasn't sneakily watching me, I quickly changed into my favourite Nirvana tshirt and pulled on some black skinny jeans. These jeans are so damn hard to get into, I have to jump up and down a few times just to pull them up high enough to fasten the button and tug up the zipper. I'm so glad that I keep my hair products in this room rather than the en suite because Calum is taking fucking ages in that shower.

I dipped my fingers in the pot of VO5 hair gel and ran them through my fringe, styling it in the tall quiff that our fans seem to go crazy for. Once I was satisfied with my hair, I attached my lip ring to my lip and smirked to myself. This piercing made people take me more seriously and I honestly think I look kind of hardcore when I have it in. It makes me feel more confident and a little badass, which the lads always tease me about.

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