Explanations - Chapter 14

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Imogen's POV:

"Let me get this straight, you're in love?" Sophie sounded incredulous and I couldn't blame her, Catrin was being completely unreasonable, not to mention stupid.

"Look, it just happened! It's just a feeling I have. Jake's right for me and he complements me; we complement each other. Is it too much to ask for you to be happy for me?"

We were in the cafeteria eating our lunch while having this conversation, not the most private of places but at least we were all talking. Polly-Anne hadn't joined our little group yet but I have a feeling that she will when her relationship with Cal really takes off. I hope it does, she's a lovely girl and a great friend who's the perfect choice for Calum. 

Catrin looked like she'd just stepped out of a magazine, she didn't appear worried at all or look like she'd lost sleep over the Calum situation. In fact, it looked like she didn't give a crap about him at all. Her makeup and hair was flawless and she was actually wearing designer brands. For some reason this made me angry. Calum was a total miserable mess when we all went out, all he was thinking about was Cat and how to fix this problem. He deserved much better.

"I personally don't care about this Jake guy, all I care about is you clearing the air with Calum. He's been going crazy, thinking this is all his fault! You need to talk to him and explain everything before he beats himself up even more. He's such a lovely guy Cat, he doesn't deserve to be treated this way." I told her, for once not caring if I raised my voice or come across a little cold. This is right, this is what Catrin needed to do and I'll be damned if Calum has to suffer any more than he already is.

"I thought you were my friend Imogen, I thought you were supposed to take my side!" Catrin whined, sounding like an ignorant child. 

"This isn't about sides, Cat. It's about what's right and proper, other people are involved now who need to be treated with respect." My tone came out a little harsher than I wanted it but maybe Caatrin would get the message and do this little thing. Maybe she would listen to me for a change.

"You know what? I don't owe anyone anything. It's my life and I'll live it how I want to, who are you to tell me what to do? You're not my mother!" With that, she snatched her schoolbag and stormed off, leaving Sophie and I sat there in a stunned silence.

Couldn't she see that all I wanted to do was make her life easier? Calum is my friend too and I hate to see the people I care about hurting when they don't need to be.  Catrin has always been difficult, ever since we were kids. She's always been headstrong and very much in charge of her own life, never taking bullshit from anyone. I don't know why I thought it was smart to confront her, I guess I just want to fix everyone since I'm so broken myself.

"Hey, stop over-thinking," Sophie nudged me from the side and I smiled a little in response. 

"We knew this intervention wouldn't be easy, but she's our friend and we need to stick by her even though what she's doing isn't necessarily right," She explained, and I caught the insecurity in her voice.

"Calum's our friend too and I want to help him, he may be a new friend but he's hurting more than she is. I just want to help him get over her." I shrugged, before leaving the small table and beginning the walk to Matt's school. Skipping college is such a regular occurrence for me that it doesn't even register in my brain anymore.


"Sorry, he's not in school right now. He's sick, can I take a message?" The receptionist smiled at me but I saw it as patronizing. She'd just confirmed my suspicions, Matt wasn't turning up to school.

"No it's fine, thank you." I murmured before leaving my old school and the too-kind receptionist behind.

I scrolled through the contacts on my phone before finding Matt's number and calling. It rang and rang but he didn't pick up, instead it went to voice-mail.

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