Interrogation - Chapter 12

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Imogen's POV:

We all had to take it in turns to be interviewed by the police. They'd arrived within 10 minutes after Hannah's phonecall and we were all asked to go down to the station and make statements about what we had seen. I had to go to the first aid department first though, to have the shards of glass extracted from my foot. Luke wanted to come in with me but I told him not to, I need time alone to process everything that's happened.

Of course I have an idea of who trashed my shop, it had to be Shelby or one of her friends. I knew I shouldn't have flipped her off yesterday when we got off the bus, this was just her way of revenge. Sadistic bitch.

"G? Where is she? Imogen?" I heard a panicked voice from the reception of the station and turned my head to see who was after me this time.

Relief flooded through me when I saw my cousin's worried face. Will caught my eye and strode over to me, pulling me up and into his comforting hug. I'd always been close to him, he'd always felt more of a brother to me than a cousin, and I guess he always will. Maybe it was because of the small age gap between us, Will was only 21 so he was four years older than me. Embarrassingly, all of the girls fancied him. They always blush whenever he comes up to us in town, or whenever he surprises me at home. It's really cringe worthy because he honestly feels like a brother and it's just too weird.

"Will! I'm so glad you're here," I sighed, pulling away from him and looking into his blue eyes, the same ones my bestfriends fantasise about.

"I can't understand what happened! Matt called me and told me the news, I got here as quickly as I could," He explained, gesturing over to Matt who was sat in the waiting room looking really uncomfortable.

"Don't worry about it, they've just been questioning us. Nothing has become clear yet and all I want to do is go home and rest." I complained, heaving out a long sigh. My head was killing me and I was starting to feel really self-conscious in this dress.

"I locked up after me though, I just don't understand..." Will trailed off, rubbing his hand across his forehead in an attempt to figure out this mess.

"Don't worry about it. Besides, I doubt a lock matters when they can get in just by smashing the glass windows." I sat back down in these really uncomfortable chairs and waited for the others to come out of the interview room.

Heaving a deep sigh, Will sat down in the chair next to me and proceeded to over-think about everything. He's always been this way and it's really annoying, he's one of the types that easily makes a big deal out of nothing. His tall and lanky frame seems to dwarf the chair, his legs stretching out impossibly far in front of him and his head leaning against the wall behind him. Will was one of those guys who every girl goes after, he's the stereotypical blonde haired, blue eyed, attractive guy that attracts stares from the majority of the female population; a bit like Luke actually.

As soon as I began to think about him, Luke came out of the interview room and almost immediately came to a stop when he saw Will next to me. My cousin wasn't paying any attention though, he was still staring off into space and probably questioning the universe by now.

Smiling, I sat up straighter and waved at Luke, wanting him to come over. He looked tired and stressed which worried me, I didn't want him to be affected by my problems. Hesitantly, Luke approached us and sat in the chair on the other side of me.

"The interrogation is scary, right? I was literally shaking when he was questioning me," I puffed out a breathy laugh, Luke's presence still having an impact on my lungs.

"Yeah, they make you feel guilty even when you know you didn't do anything ," He chuckled before frowning slightly and moving his head towards Will, "Who's that?" He whispered, the frown getting deeper.

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