Hyper sweaty and confused - Chapter 3

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{Hiya guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long but sixth form is crazy and I've been visiting all these Universities and ugh, so yeah! Thanks for the positive feedback, please keep commenting etc :) Hope you like this chapter!}

~Skip to 6pm. The girls are getting ready for the show.~

"Oh my gosh, this is going to be amazing!" Hannah gushed. We had just looked up 5SOS on Youtube and their songs and covers are brilliant!

"I know, I actually really like their music!" I'm really fussy over music, so this says a lot! "I think my favourites are Heartbreak Girl and Over and Over."

Sophie grinned at me, "I actually can't decide! I think I like Gotta Get Out the most because Ashton sings in it and he sounds like an angel." She swooned. clutching her chest.

We all dissolved into giggles and Catrin chucked one of my many cushions at Sophie, before stating that her favourites were Try Hard and Unpredictable. We were all so hyped about the show that we had completely forgotten that the doors opened in an hour and we still had to walk to the Corn Exchange from my house, which would take a good 15-20 minutes. Sophie is a slow walker, blame her! Naturally, things exploded into chaos as we all ran around my room changing into our clothes, applying makeup and having regular toilet breaks. We were running around like headless chickens, basically.

All of us were promoting the boys by wearing a 5SOS tshirt that I had taken from my shop. Sophie paired hers with dark navy denim shorts and black converse, Hannah with red highwaisted shorts and white high-tops and Catrin with black short-shorts and red converse. I wore slightly longer black denim shorts that stopped around 3 inches above my knees to hide my scars. On my feet I wore some deep purple vans, why not jazz it up a little?

"Dibs on the bathroom first so I can do my makeup!" Yelled Hannah, before grabbing her makeup bag and charging into the bathroom. We all lazed around in my room while waiting for Hannah to finish up, that girl took hours! Finally she emerged, looking amazing! Her light brown hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with wisps framing her face, and her mascara made her green eyes pop out. She had opted for light makeup so a little concealer, powder, and a swipe of blush on each cheek. My bestfriend looked beautiful.

"Hannah...wow." Catrin gasped. We all nodded as Hannah fake fanned herself and bowed to us all.

"Thank you dearies, I do try my best!" She giggled.

"Han, do my makeup for me. Now." Sophie demanded, before plopping down on my bed and raising her eyebrows. Hannah shook her head laughing, before making us all look gorgeous one at a time.

Barely 10 minutes later we were all ready to go, and Hannah had done our hair and makeup perfectly. She had read somewhere online that 5SOS don't like girls who wear too much makeup, so she'd made us all look natural. She had basically done what she did to herself, but on all of us. Sophie's pale blue eyes looked amazing due to the mascara and Catrin's hazel eyes glowed. All of them had their hair tied up but I asked Hannah to braid mine in a fishtail which draped over my right shoulder. I guess my brown eyes popped out too, but this outfit made me look fat and my shorts were way too clingy. I'm being insecure again.

"You look beautiful Imogen, stop worrying." Catrin whispered to me, dead serious. I smiled weakly at her and grabbed my bag. We were ready to go.

We had to creep down my stairs because my mum was in the front room sleeping off her latest hangover and doing her best to ignore her children. We were almost at the door when a something moved in the shadows of the hallway.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Jesus!" I yelled, smacking a hand to my chest and colliding with the opposite wall. The girls had all screamed and huddled together. Just then, my brother stepped into the light, a mocking look on his face.

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