Bullied - Chapter 5

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{A quicker update for once! Keep reading and enjoying, and feel free to comment :D I'm so stressed atm ugh, but 5SOS come to the UK next month so I'm happy!! xoxox}

Another crumpled up ball of paper hit me in the back of the head, that was the sixth one so far. The girls and I were on the shuttle bus back home after a day of being verbally abused and generally being our anti-social selves. We were unpopular because we were classed as the 'weird' group who sat on their own discussing TV shows, bands, books and movies. I mean, seriously? At least we don't surround ourselves with fake friends and talk about makeup, fashion and the pros and cons of acrylic nails! If that was what you had do to to become popular, I was happier being the odd one out.

We were about 3 minutes away from the train station, and I was debating whether or not to just get off the bus and walk the rest of the way home. After what Shelby had said about my dad at the weekend, I did not want to spend another second on this bus with her.

"God, they're all so disgusting! I mean, what happened to Imogen's face? No wonder they're all single!" Shelby laughed, loudly enough for us all to hear.

"They're all worthless sluts." Chelsea agreed, flipping her silky blonde hair over her shoulder and smiling maliciously at us.

I honestly couldn't take much more of this, I was ready to leave. Leave this bus, this planet, this life. Damn it, I just wanted to be gone forever. Then the first piece of chewing gum flew through the air and became tangled in Sophie's hair.

"That was so uncalled for, what has she ever done to you?!" Catrin finally snapped, turning around in her seat to yell at Shelby.

"Shut up bitch, you'll get your turn!" Shelby replied sweetly, with a mocking edge to her tone.

"Can we please get off at the train station and walk home?" Sophie quietly begs, tears forming in her eyes.

"Of course we can, I can't stay on this bus with that stuck up hoe any longer!" Hannah muttered angrily, clenching her fists.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bus pulled up at the station and opened its doors. The four of us quickly stood up and slung our bags over our shoulders.

"Leaving so soon ladies?" Shelby's voice travelled over to us. I didn't turn around, instead I settled for flipping her off and marching off the bus.

As the bus pulled away, we all stood on the side of the road, tears streaming down our cheeks. I felt so guilty. It was my fault that we were all being bullied by Shelby because I had pissed her off ages ago and she had never forgiven me for it. Sophie, Catrin and Hannah had all been part of the popular group and used to be on good terms with Shelby, but I was always the outcast. I was the freak with the dead dad, and as soon as three popular girls tried to comfort me one day, they were rejected and were treated like shit just like me.

"Lets go home." Hannah whispered, all of us linking arms and crossing the road to set off home. We left our tears on our cheeks, not caring what other people thought about us. When someone bullies you, the words they say repeat over and over in your head relentlessly. You feel like you're going crazy, and you start to believe what these horrible people are saying about you. Of course none of it's true and they're just trying to make you feel terrible, but your judgement is clouded and you believe every word.

I was lifted out of my dark and worrying thoughts by a flash of blue in the corner of my vision, followed by squealing and laughter. What the heck was going on and why was this flash of blue moving around? Had I finally gone crazy? I turned my head to see that this blue thing was actually hair on someone's head, this person being very tall and wearing black skinny jeans and a Blink-182 tank top...Michael? My suspicions were confirmed when a perfect blonde guy stepped out of a dark van to join Michael, dressed in black skinny jeans and an All Time Low tshirt with flip-flops. Luke! I had a strange nervous feeling in my stomach when I saw him, and it felt like my heart was in my throat.

"Imogen?" Hannah and the girls were staring at me, and I only just realised that I had stopped walking and was staring at Luke. By now, Ashton and Calum had joined the boys and they were all signing autographs and taking pictures with the fans. I pointed in their direction and I heard several gasps and squeaks.

"Calum!" Catrin exclaimed, flapping her hands around and hopping from foot to foot.

"Oh my God it's Ashton! Oh God, what do I do? Hannah please tell me you have makeup and a mirror!" Sophie babbled, turning bright red in the face.

"Damn, Michael dyed his hair blue! It looks good." Hannah said, wiggling her eyebrows and winking.

I sighed and wiped my fingers under my eyes, hoping to erase any mascara smudges that had formed due to Shelby and her hurtful friends. Just when I was adjusting my hair, Luke caught my eye and he blinked for a few times before his beautiful smile graced his face. Oh wow, that boy was created by angels I swear.

"Guys! Luke just saw us! What do I do?" I murmured out of the corner of my mouth, trying not to break eye contact. Uh-oh, Luke had started to walk over to us! Now what?

"Act natural and don't panic!" Catrin whispered as Luke finally reached us.

"Hi girls! Did you know we were going to be here?" He asks, smiling. My brain had officially turned into mush.

"Luke, hi! Um no we uh, just got off the school bus!" I rushed, heat flooding my cheeks.

"Oh cool, how was your day of learning then?"

"Do you have to ask?" Hannah laughed, without humour. Luke's eyebrows furrowed as he took in our appearances, the tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes, not to mention the vacant look in our eyes where the vindictive words had truly hit home.

"What happened? Imogen? Tell me." Luke demanded, leaning down to my level and looking me in the eyes. I couldn't tell him. What if he thought I was a loser or a weirdo? What if he thought I was weak, stupid, ugly and fat like Shelby told me? What if he actually turned out to be a big bully himself? I was probably over-reacting, and my breathing showed it.

"And she's having a panic attack again, great! Okay Luke, thank you for your concern but we can take it from here." Hannah's voice sounded like it was coming from very far away and my head started spinning. There was a roaring in my ears and my vision was starting to go cloudy. All I could hear were these strangled gasps of someone breathing, and then I realized it was me. Ooops. Someone had sat me down on the edge of the road and my head was now between my legs. I felt my breathing slow down and my hearing and sight were returning back to normal. There were lots of voices, male and female, and all of them sounded pretty anxious. I felt a large hand on my knee and the thumb was stroking me to try and reassure me I guess. I looked up into the beautiful blue eyes of Luke Hemmings and I was ready to hyperventilate again.

"You're back!" He sighed in relief, and smiled warmly at me. I grinned in return and stood up, wobbling around a bit.

"It was just a little panic attack, nothing to worry about!" I said brightly, plastering on my fakest smile and looking around at my friends. Sophie was quietly crying into Ashton's neck while he has his arms around her and was stroking her back. Calum and Catrin were in deep conversation when he reached up to brush a tear from her cheek, and Michael was just holding a silent Hannah. I could tell that they were all replaying they things Shelby said to them in their heads, and my panic attack must have sent them over the edge. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and turned around to see a worried looking Luke staring at me, biting his lip anxiously.

"Care to tell me what's going on?" He asked gently.

"What about your fans? And don't you have a train to catch?" I asked, my voice small like a child's.

"Both can wait, and besides, Cambridge is growing on me." I looked up to see Luke smiling, and his smile and touch gave me the confidence I needed to tell him the truth.

"Okay I'll tell you, but you may want to sit down because this is a long, long story." I sighed.

{Oooh what's going to happen? Well you'll have to find out in the next chapter which I'll upload sooooon!xoxox}

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