Fate or just good timing? - Chapter 1

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Underdog just look at the mess you made

The familar lyrics of You Me At Six filled my small shop as I was completing the boring task of sorting out displays for my latest tshirt designs.

That's right, I print designs on tshirts and sell them to make a living. My cousin takes over during the week when I'm at school and I take over the weekends. It's really fun, selling your own designs and seeing people wearing them around Cambridge, it makes me feel proud.

Today was the 26th July aka the hottest day of the year, and I was sweating so much. I had dressed for the weather in my black All Time Low tank top and my navy shorts, but I was still baking. I couldn't wait for my lunch break where me and my three best friends Sophie, Hannah and Catrin would go to starbucks and grab vanilla coolers. My mouth was actually watering.

I was just about to take a break from standing when a group of really hot boys came through the door. I plastered on my best smile and stood behind the small desk with my cash register sitting on it. My eyes grew wider as they crowded into my tiny shop, these boys were giant! They all had to be over 6ft tall, meaning they would dwarf me. I'm only 5ft 7!

"Wow! This shop is amazing!" The first one said. He had bleached blonde hair and wore a Harley Davidson tank with black skinny jeans and flipflops. I smiled at him.

"Thanks! I do try my best." God I sounded so awkward, this is what happens when I'm confronted with good looking guys. I mess up.

"Where did you get all these tshirts from?" Another boy asked. He was very cute, with a floppy curly fringe and adorable dimples. I instantly smiled at him.

"I uh made them." I stammered, my palms getting clammy behind the desk. One of the boys, with really nice blonde hair and a smiley face tshirt on, looked at me in surprise. He was probably the most gorgeous boy I have ever laid eyes on in my whole life. Deep breaths Imogen, you can do this.

"No way!" The fourth boy exclaimed. His voice was soft and adorable. He had really dark hair and was wearing a NASA tshirt with black skinny jeans and flipflops. In fact, they were all wearing black skinny jeans with flipflops.

"Yep, I buy plain tshirts, dye them the colour I'd like them and then print designs on them."

The 4 boys all looked around my shop in disbelief.

"That must take you ages!" The boy with the bleached blonde hair said.

I shrugged. "My cousin William helps out, he runs the shop during the week while I'm in school." I explained.

"You go to school and run this shop?" The gorgeous boy asks. I have to blink a few times before I answer.

"Yep!" I smile at all of them, despite my legs wobbling and my palms still sweating. I'm not a people person.

"Wow" The one with the floppy fringe breathed.

"You must be wondering who we are. Well, we're 5 Seconds Of Summer." The one with the bleached blonde hair explained. They all stared at me and I stared back, unsure of what to do. Did they want me to do something, say something? I smiled nervously.

"Um cool, I'm Imogen." I said slowly. Was 5 Seconds Of Summer a band name or a gang? I did not want any gangs in my shop! My palms were sweating so much now I'm sure they could give a decent water supply to the whole world, and the back of my neck started to tingle.

They all chuckled, the one with the floppy fringe had an adorable laugh and I couldn't stop the wide smile that took control of my face.

"We're a band, and our band name is 5 Seconds Of Summer." The one with the dark hair explained. I nodded in understanding while trying to figure out their accent. Australian?

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