The dragon and the boy

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"Dad! look I got us some food", "can you fire it up", I asked, "no Natsu this time you are gonna cook it", igneel said, "oh c'mon on you taught how to read and write, the least you do is cook it up", I said, "stop complaining and if you wanna eat you cook it up", igneel said. "Hey don't go please", I cried out, then igneel was gone, disappeared that day all that I had left of him was this scarf that I wear everyday. Alarm clock goes out loudly, I seat straight up but felt a pain throughout my whole body, Lucy came in and said "Natsu your sick, you gonna have to stay here today", "no I'm fine", I said trying to get up, but next thing I knew I feel back on the bed and everything goes black.

"Lucy where Natsu, why isn't he here?", Erza said up against my face, "he's sick and he staying home today", I said, "Juvia don't want Grey to get sick", Juvia said hugging Grey, "don't worry Jellal I won't let you get sick NEVER!", Erza said, I put my head down and then I heard someone, "hey where Natsu? he isn't here today", he asked I look up and see Sting, "he sick and why do you care?", I asked angrily, "listen I'm sorry I was too cocky of winning, I thought I could take him down but I've accepted I can't, I was going to ask him if we can put that behind us, Rogue wanted to ask that to Gajneel as well", Sting said "yes it true we can't defeat Natsu, even if we tried and Gajneel isn't as strong as him but he was just as tough", Rogue said. Gajneel and Rogue called it truss and the day went on slowly, without Natsu it was quiet and at lunch everyone would be laughing and smiling but today that didn't happen, I felt alone in the class I have with him, looking where he sits and sees he's isn't here, the bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and headed out the doors, my gate keys jiggle loudly on my hips, Happy was kinda quiet the whole day I saw my house and ran as fast as I could, I opened my door, slammed it shut and raced upstairs, and see my pink haired salamander in bed I jumped on him hoping he would wake up and he did.

I felt something heavy jump on me, I open my eyes and see Lucy on top of me, "hey you feeling any better?", she asked, "a bit", I said, Lucy kissed me quickly and just looked at me, "what would I do without you", I asked, she smiled and chuckled, "and hey can you get off of me, your kinda heavy", I added, "AH idiot don't say that", lucy said getting off "but you kinda are, you should run or go to the gym more often".

 a friend that is your soulmate (NALU High School+collage Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now