Part Nine

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For the longest time, James doesn't move and Jeremy is afraid that he shocked his friend a little too much. Fear skitters down his spine as he watches fake recongnition glow on James' face. He is scared that he would reach for the kitchen knife the room over and kill Jeremy mercilessesly.

"A Faerie?" James finally asks, an emotion Jeremy has never heard of dripping into his voice. He struggles to comprehend what the human is feeling and finally he knows. Hatred. "Are you pulling my leg?"

"Of course not. I've got a glamour hiding my wings from the view of Humans. I don-" Jeremy stops himself to take a small breath. "You don't believe me...." Disbelief grows on Jeremy's face and he grits his teeth to hold back anger. After all, It's not like he should believe him.

"Oh no. I cannot believe you. You are a....Damn FAERIE!" James voice rose loud enough for anyone to hear from a mile away, Jeremy is sure. He winces and tries to inch away slowly so that the boy didnt get violent.

"Please don't swear!" He pleads, as usual taking the least violent part of a fight and focusing on narrowing down the problems. "It isnt nice! I wasdriven away from the Faerie Realm! We just need somewhere to stay!"

"You have more to worry about than just my swearing, Kid. You're on drugs aren't you? You arent going to infect me or my sister with your lies! We ain't gonna be no Drug Addicts!" James' fist came down on his bedside table and Jeremy realizes that humans are stronger than they look.

"Don't call me Kid."

"I can if I want, Kid." James sneers and Jeremy finally trembles, anger getting to him.

The Glamour! Jeremy could feel the mystical veil falling away and dissolving to reveal his wings with flap nervously. His nostrils flare and he takes a step back.

James' eyes widen when he sees the wings. "Y-you....have them," he murmurs, confusing Jeremy.

"Wings? I told you I had them. I cannot lie to a human."

"You did though. All day yesterday you made me think you were human!" James argues, stepping away and grabbing something with a free hand. He was about to throw it when the bedroom doors bursts open.

It's Skye and Marley.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Brother." Marley grits her teeth, feeling Hate dripping into her voice and for a moment, wishing that she wasn't Non-Violent in life. "Why are you holding that knife?"

James looks down at his hands, which were coated with blood. His blood. He'd gripped the knife so hard that it had created an incision and blood was pouring out of it. "There was a problem. I fixed it."

Marley pursed her lips and looks at the scene in front of her. The room was almost in pieces, with covers all over the floor, pillows ripped open and some substance clinging to the wall. She saw Jeremy with his eyes afraid, standing in a corner, something Navy colored hugging close to was alive. "Looks like there was a problem!" She forced a mock laugh.

Skye beside her wasnt laughing. A look of pure horror framed her face as she took in the mess, then Jeremy. She shifted to anger and copied Marley's stance.

Jeremy flushes and tries to get all the attention away from his wings that clearly were trying to hide. "It was an accident!" He insists, using his hands to avert their eyes.

Skye glowers at him, and opens her mouth to talk. Jeremy looks at her pleadingly which makes her sigh and stand, "Sure looks like it." She snaps, making everyone in the room flinch. She is surprised by the severity in her accent.

James moves closer so he can hug Marley to his chest. He remembers that Jeremy said that Skye was a thing to. His eyes narrow but he doesn't speak.

Marley pulls away and frowns up at her brother questionably. He gives her a look and she shimmies close to Skye, "She's my friend. I will not hate my friend." She said, sounding like a toddler.

"She's dangerous!" James snarled, as Jeremy whimpered a little. Skye's shudders nervously and felt her wings copy her. "Get away from her."

Marley, despite being 13, seemed a lot younger than her 16 year old brother glaring down at her. "She is NOT dangerous! Don't say that about her!" She paused then added, "if I was supposed to be hurt by her, I wouldn't be here right now!"

James seemed to Ponder this and he frowned at Skye. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when there was a Crash just outside the window.

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