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Rye's POV

She walked away. She didn't say anything. Or even look at me. Just walked away. I looked down and put my hands in my pocket and walked back to my car and drived back to the flat.

"Rye! Did you stop her?! Were you on time?!" Kadie exclaimed at me. I shook my head.

"I got her but she went on." I sighed and sat down staring into space.

I should've stopped her. You're such an idiot rye! I grabbed my phone and looked at my lock screen. It was me and her. It was originally a group picture but I cropped everyone out. She looked too beautiful. And happy. I sighed and put it on the table and went to throw some running clothes on.

"I'm going for a run."

"Okay but we have a cover-" I slammed the door before they finished the sentence. I ran down the stairs and basically sprinted anywhere.

Rach's POV

I didn't go. I couldn't. I called a taxi and I was currently in the park talking to a few roadies.

"Are you and rye dating?" One asked.

"No!" I laughed.

"Why not? He looks so happy in your pictures. We want to see him happy. Y'all are just too cute for eachother." The other smiled.

"I just don't uh like him like that."

"But you kissed him at the airport? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in California?"

"I didn't go. Brook texted me and-"

"You're dating brook?!"

I heard one roadie mumble slag. I sighed and looked down.

"No. I'm not. I'm not dating anyone at the moment. I'm not planning to either. Now I gotta go. See ya later I'll tell the boys to come down." I smiled and left.

I knocked and waited.

"Who is it?!" I heard someone shout.

"Rach!" I shouted. The door immediately opened and I was squished by like fifty hugs.


"I came back." I laughed.

Big Time | Sequel to Catfish | Ryan BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now