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We were sitting around laughing and talking and eating popcorn while watching Hairspray Live. My favourite movie ever.

Rye wasn't here though. I wanted to know why he kissed me. Did he like me?

I went to the bathroom for a wee. When I came back out rye was there. But he ignored me. Wow ok. I sat down at the table and drank my Starbucks. Agh this is good shit.

"rye look rach is back!" Brook exclaimed.

"I know." He mumbled.

"Heya!" I perked.

"Hi. I need the bathroom." He mumbled and stood up. I walked after him. He's the one who kissed me.

"Seriously?! That's the way you're gonna act?! You literally came to the airport and kissed me and said you love me and now you're acting like a total dick! I should have never came back! I'll catch the plane in the morning." I walked away and slammed their door. Dick.

I got a taxi home and just binged. It was nice I guess. I couldn't stop thinking about him though. It's like, the littlest thing could lead to a thought about him..

I could see a cloud and see what it resembles, let's just say a music note or something, and I will go straight to a thought about Rye. I could look at the couple on the tv and imagine if it was me and Rye. Would we get a happily ever after? A song could remind me of him.

I sighed and turned off the tv. Why am I like this?! He doesn't give a crap about me. I held my head and groaned. I hate feelings.

I ordered some dominoes and changed into some pjs. I rang Kadie.

"Yo what's up?" She said.

"Do you wanna come over? Have a Disney marathon, pjs and pizza? Like the good old times?" I smiled through the phone.

"I would but I can't. The boys and the rest of the girls are having something similar. Movies, pjs, food. It's been a plan for ages..." she trailed off.

"Oh." I tried to hide my disappointment. "Ok. Have fun."

"Sorry rach."

"It's fine. Have fun. Bye." I hung up straight away. 'A plan for ages' , so I was invited or whatever? Wow. Petty much?

The doorbell went and ran to get it but I tripped over my rug. Ow. Fucking rug. I got up and answered the door.

"Hey. Um one large pepperoni with dough balls, wedges, garlic pizza and 2 litre coke for a Rachel Harris?" A very fit guy asked me. Wow I sound like a pig. I did think Kadie was coming so it ain't my fault.

"Um yeah. That's me. How much?" I smiled. He looked up from reading the receipt thing and had a shocked look on his face.

"Um I-it's twenty pounds. But it's on the um house." He stuttered. AW HES SO ADORABLE

"No no no. Take the money!"

"No. You're Rachel Harris! It's on the house. I like love you!" He blushed.

"Well atleast take £50 and give it to a charity thing everyone has in every shop. Keep some for yourself if you want. Just take it." I smiled handing him the note.

"You are actual so nice! Um I know this is a long shot but um here's my number. Um call me if u ever want a free pizza or just to hang um out." He smile shyly. He handed me a piece of paper and my food.

"Aw. I'll use it sometime." I winked. "Thank you so much for the pizza. But Disney is calling aha. Thank you love ya. Byeee." I smiled.

"Bye! Love ya too!" He exclaimed and walked away while I closed the door. That guy was so seeet aw. The smell of pizza made me drool like damn. I'd rather catch feelings for pizza than some guy.

"It's okay. I love you. Mama's here." I mumbled to pizza. Leave me alone. Pizza is my baby.

Big Time | Sequel to Catfish | Ryan BeaumontWhere stories live. Discover now