I Travel

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I look for the one, the perfect one.

A match that would not falter, an unbeatable match.

I know that person is out there, I've waited long enough.

Now I shall travel, travel to find what I seek.

I seek for a coach, not just any coach. One that I would get along with. To form a match that would be inevitable. Who could that person be? And now I'm about to travel to seek.

"Update me" my brother says, "I want to know everything that happens"

   "Of course, Otabek" I chuckled at him, "I'll write to you every time I meet a coach"

   "Are you sure where exactly you're going?" he asks seriously.

   I cleared my throat, "First I'm off to Germany, to find Veronica Hellsing. Then to Switzerland to find Josef Karpisek. And off to Russia to Lilia Baranovskaya. And to Thailand to find Celestino Cialdini. Then Korea to Min-so Park. And lastly Japan for Minako Okukawa"

   Otabek nods approvingly, "You really want to go, I can tell"

   "And you want to come with me, Otabek?" I ask.

   "You know I have the Grand Prix to get ready for"

   "This is goodbye" I kissed him on the cheek, "I'll miss your motorcycle rides" I added as I start to take steps backward as I look at his bike, "And interact with people, okay?" I pleaded.

   "No" he simply replied.

   "But why don't you talk to people and---" I sighed, "Never mind I might get left behind"

   He just smiles at me as he puts his helmet back on.

   But I just had to run and give him one last hug, "I'll miss you" I said at his chest, where my face currently was.

   "Continue to miss me, and you'll miss your flight, maxabbat"

   I look at my watch to see that he was right,  "Saw bolıñız" I waved my last and ran away with my luggage.

Veronica Hellsing. Veronica Hellsing. Veronica Hellsing. Veronica Hellsing.

   I repeat it in my head to remember the name.

   How do I introduce myself?

   "Hello, I'm Alia Altin. And... I'm looking for a coach" I smiled up at her.

   "Uhm..." the wonderful woman before me was taken aback, "Come in, Ms. Altin"

   "'Alia' would be fine Ms. Hellsing" I smiled as I entered her home. I wouldn't expect less from a world-class figure skater to have such a big house, "'Al' would be alright too"

   "Have a seat" she ushered me to a chair in her living room, I looked up to see a chandelier. "And you want me to be your coach?" I darted my eyes back on Ms. Hellsing.

   "Yes, ma'am" I nodded, "Well not that you're my only choice. I'm traveling to look for the right coach"

   "And I am one of your choices?" she asks promptly.

   "Yes" I shrugged, "Well I want to make sure I find the perfect coach. Someone that I can get along with"

   "See, I've never really coached before---"

   "Your son has been out the news" I pointed out.

   "But he's my son, I can easily teach him"

   "Can we try?" I ask, "Like just teach me something and we'll see how it goes?"

   "If it does, there is a fee"

   I nod.

"Now, Al meet my youngest son, Vundutch" I look a little bit upwards since he was taller by a few inches.

   "I'm Vundutch, just call me 'Vun'" he smiles at me.

   "I'm Alia, call me 'Al'" I smile back. He looked cute, his light brown hair and emerald green eyes. He looked like a prince, "How old are you?"

   "I'm 14, you?" I was shocked by his age.

   "Same" I answered.

   "Hey, let's skate!" and he drags me off to the rink side. His mother watches us in curiosity, maybe she may be the coach I'm looking for, "Hey, and that's my brother!" Vun points to a taller version of himself.

   The guy looks and he appears to have the same emerald eyes as his brother's, "Who's your girlfriend, Vun?" he mocks.

   "This is Al" Vun introduces me and doesn't mind his brother's joke. Joking here must be normal.

   "I'm Von" he says as he brings out a hand.

   "Your names are confusing" I shook his hand as I looked from Vun to Von.

   "It's actually 'Von Jaeger Hellsing'" Von completes, "Just call me 'Jaeger' and we can forget the confusions"

   "Well nice to meet you, Jaeger" 

"No, you do THIS then THAT" Jaeger repeats for the hundredth time.

   "I think my son means..." Ms. Hellsing interferes, "Is that, you do an axel before a loop"

   "Hey I'm just copying you" I told Jaeger, "I didn't know that was an axel"

   "No, no, no" Vundutch covers his face, "Jaeger I think she did it right"

   "You think?" I ask.

   "Trust me---" Vundutch was cut off.

   "Hey I'm the older one here" Jaeger warns him.

   "But you didn't see it clearly, I did"

   "I'm the one teaching her here---"

   "I'm the one WATCHING"

"Thank you for your hospitality" I told Ms. Hellsing, she had let me stayed for two days.

   "Hope I taught you well" Jaeger says. Was he kidding? He actually got me all confused on my steps, I wouldn't call it 'well'. I just nodded and smiled at him.

   Vun leans in to whisper, "He's confusing, right?" then he steps back to stand beside his brother, "To be honest, right?" he added.

   "Yeah" I agreed and we both laughed.

   "You told her something about me, didn't you?" Jaeger glared at Vun.

   "No" Vun immediately denied.

   "He did" were my last words, before Jaeger and Vun got into an fight.

I sat in a coffee shop, ready with my paper and pen. I think of what to write to my brother...

Dear Otabek,

   I'm currently here in a coffee shop in Germany. Well it's near the airport, so I'll be walking there in a few hours time. Well I've met Veronica Hellsing, she had two lovely and energetic sons. Ms. Hellsing had let me stay at their house for two days, and I got to train under her. But her two sons just wanted all my attention so there wasn't much progress, but I had enjoyed. Her eldest was Von Jaeger, 16 years old, he tends to be the know-it-all and the smartass. Then the younger one was Vundutch, I simply call him 'Vun' and we're of the same age, he's very observant and corrects his brother's mistakes all the time and talks behind his back.

   Well here's me writing to you that I love you and all those other things that siblings tell each other. And now I'm off to Switzerland.



maxabbat (noun, love)

saw boliñız (goodbye)

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