Meeting Again

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2 months later

Life has honestly been a drag. Everything seems so dark and bleak. I've been like this since that horrible day of when I got engaged, but then again I had met Killian too so I guess it wasn't as bad. I honestly wish I could see him again and spend time with him but I can't. I Emma, as an engaged woman can't go off on my own anymore. It's so bad that I haven't been able to spend time with Lacy. So that's heartbreaking as it is.

I'm laying there on my bed when I hear a knock. "Yes, who is it?" "Sweetie, can I come in," I hear my mom say from behind the door. I scoff and buried my face on my pillow as she opens the door. "What do you want?" I say in a muffled tone. "Today we will meet with the family from the Northern Shores and you will be collaborating on a project with them, since you will be becoming queen soon this is your last task as a single woman and a princess." I stay quiet. "What's wrong?" She asks. I sit up and gave her a baffled look.

"Mom, seriously, you're asking what's wrong, you know what's wrong." She sighs. "I know you don't want to marry Robin sweetie but you have to." I scoff. "Mom, it's not fair, you guys fell in love and so did Robin's parents." I said as a tear came rolling down my face. "I'm sorry sweetie, but we will not discuss it any further," she says and I pout.

"Hurry and get dressed, they will be arriving shortly," she says and walks out the door. I scream into my pillow. Half an hour passes by and I get dressed and I prepare myself mentally to go see the family. Well hey who knows maybe working on this project will help ease my mind and distract me for a bit.

I mean Im not working with Robin on this so that's a plus. I make my way down to the throne room to meet the family. I stood there and that's when I hear a familiar voice coming from the corridor. I gasp. Could it be? "Presenting King Brennan and Queen Judy of the Northern shores and their children Prince Killian and Princess Leilani," the announcer says. My eyes shot open when I saw them walk in.

My heart started to beat so fast it felt like it was going to come out of my chest. All 4 of them bow in front of us then we bow as well. "Good to see you again my dear friend," my dad said as he hugged Killian's dad. What the heck? They know each other.

I looked at Killian and my did he look handsome. I just kept staring at him and he was just smiling. Leilani then walks up to me and gives me a hug. "It's so good to see you again," she says. I hug her back and smiled. "Likewise princess." She smiled and that's when Killian walks up to us. "Princess," he softly says and bows. I bow and I start to blush like crazy.

"Ok now that we have all been introduced to each other; we will talk about the project," King Brennan said. We all nod. "Emma, Killian, you will both be in charge of this project since we can't take full responsibility because we both have kingdoms to take care of, you will be spending a lot of time together," my dad says. I smile and nod. Oh I was excited to work on this project.

"I like that idea, so what is it that we are going to do?" Killian asks. They all start to talk and talk and get plans together and I sit down with Leilani. They will let me know what my task is later on. "Isn't my brother so handsome?" Leilani asks. "What?" I say. "Oh come on Emma, I might be 11 years old but I know you like him," she says with a smirk on her face.

I cough. "Oh no Leilani you are mistaken." That's when Killian turns around and smiles at me. I couldn't help but smile and blush. "You don't like him huh?" She says as she nudges me. I laugh. "Well your brother is a handsome man but I doubt he likes me." "Oh on the contrary, ever since you guys met he won't stop talking about you." I gasp. "Really?" She nods.

"He was super excited to know that you guys will be working together." I smile. "Well I'm excited to spend time with him." She smiles, "you guys make a good couple." I blush. "Oh Leilani," I say and she smiles then sighs. "Look I'm going to tell you something." I nod. "What is it?" She sighs. "He had his heart broken a while ago and he was a cold and bitter man, that woman that he was with before destroyed my brother and he became distant."

I gasp and she sighs. "Even though I don't comprehend certain things I knew that my brother had changed and it was because of her. But that day you guys met, he changed and I was super happy to see him smile again. So please don't hurt him," she says. I look down at my ring and hid it from Leilani.

"I actually got my heart broken too by a man I used to love, it was hard for me to even continue I didn't want any man in my life and when I met your brother I felt something in me grow again." She gasped then smiled. "See you two are meant to be together." When she said that a tear came down and I wiped it as fast as I could so she wouldn't see.

If she only knew that I was already engaged. Damn, this is unfair, so unfair. Why is this happening to me, why? What the hell did I do to deserve this?

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