C h a p t e r Ω N i n e

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"What the fuck?", Elliot yelled, but whispered. You know like...yelling softly? Ahh I don't know. But he was mad, and so were the rest of them.

"Didn't you book it for Europe??", Alaina said.

"Y-yes I did! I swear I don't know what could have happened!", Emma said her hands trembling.

"You know how fucking far China is from Libya? 5,000 freaking miles!! What- Are you planning on walking us there?!".

"Guys calm down!", Drew said.

"Pfft, Chiron is going to be real pissed Ella", Dionysus blurted.

"Maybe..", I said. Everyone turned to be which made my face flush in embarrassment. I looked down. "I think when I bumped into the woman our tickets might have switched".

Alaina pinched her nose, and rubbed her face. "This is just going perfect".

Dionysus smirked." You have no idea, sweetie". The flight attendant passed by and asked politely, "Drinks?". Dionysus grinned, "One beer please".

The lady poured the beer into a cup and handed it to him. He smiled but just when he held it, the beer changed into diet coke. He cursed in his breathe something against Zeus and took a sip out of it anyway.

I sighed, "Lets just worry about it when we get there.. I'm too tired to think right now".

Alaina stretched her arms, "That I can agree with".

I spent the next 4 hours scrolling through the movies given on the poor quality TV. We ate our small meals and crackers. I looked at the time. 7 hours and 46 minutes left until arrival. I groaned and slumped on my chair, tucking myself into the light blanket and fell asleep.

An hour later, I found my head on Elliot's lap. I sat up quickly, and he gave a smug grin. "Guess what, darling?", he whispered.


"6 more hours together".

"Shut up".

"Never. Not when I have a chic near me for that long".

"Ugh. Your making this trip worse than it already is".

"For you, but not for  me". He wrapped his arm around me, I quickly brushed it off.

"Please stop. I have a boyfriend remember?".

"Hmm? You wont be able to see him that much after this. If we survive, this'll go on for a month. You don't expect him to be waiting for that long. I know guys like him. Their short term. Don't put too much hope on him".

I snorted. "Are you any better? You flirt with any girl you see. Where ever you go there's a trail of clingy girls following".

"Ha, it just gives me time to find the right one, darling. And I think I might be close to meeting her".

"Ugh, whatever. Keep your distance, or I wont hesitate to puke on you".

"Understood". He patted my head, messing up my short hair. I waved his hand away, and tried to comfort my self on the hard chair shoulder. I feel like I forgot something...

"Alex?", someone asked. His voice was familiar... Like..


I looked up to see my father. He had his usual suit and tie, black combed hair, and brown eyes. My hands shook.. I completely forgot!! My dad had a business trip in China this week. Freaking idiot!

I have to do something.

"H-how?-". He gaped. His eyes completely wide. Elliot seemed worried, as he patted my shoulder. "Umm, Alex..", he whispered. "Do something-".

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