C h a p t e r Ω F o u r t e e n

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"You doing alright?", Drew asked, sitting beside me.

"Hmm?". I didn't realize how spaced out I was. "Oh sorry, um.. Fine". I turned away. 

"Okay". He stretched and leaned on the side. "Have you been to China before?".

"Huh? Well no. My Dad always did though, for work".

"You didn't go with him?".

"No.. I don't want to disturb him.... Well I went to Germany with him though once". I smiled. "How about you?".

"Ah.. No... My family couldn't exactly.. afford those kind of things".


"Well my mom couldn't.. Not exactly family.. Ahh sorry".

"No its okay, I get it".

We we're silent for a while. "So... How's Magnus like?.. Just curious".

I smiled," He was naïve, childish, crazy.. Perfect.. I hope he's alright"..

"Of course he will be.. It was just a dream anyway. I had a lot of crazy dreams like that.."

I grinned. "Of.. Maybe, Alaina?".

He blushed. "Yea.. Is it obvious?".


"She doesn't like me anyway".

"Do you mind me asking something?".

"Sure, spill".

"Why..  do you and Elliot hate each other?".

His grinning face darkened.

"Ahh.. Sorry you don't have to-".

"No its fine I'll tell you.. He tried to make a move on Alaina at a Camp Celebration once... There's a rumor.. I'm not sure if he did it but.. I have a feeling it was him.. he is the one who handed her the drinks then and.. well.. you know.."

"It might just be a rumor though.. Doesn't Alaina remember?".

"No.. not really".


"I know its wrong to believe a rumor but it pisses me off... Sorry".

"No its okay, I guess... Did you ask him though?".

"Who? Elliot?".

"Yea.. Maybe he knows".

"Well... No".

"Ask him-".

"Guys! We're here!", Emma said. She held five brochures, and she was scrolling through all of them, excitedly. "Okay! Okay, so there's a Disney here, and a few beaches too! Well the beach probably isn't very crowded since it says it best to go in October or February! There's also zip lining"' And-".

"You do realize we're in a suicide quest right now, right? ", Alaina snapped.

"Well... We have time, don't we?".

"Sure not like there's a dark mist that might attack us or civilians at any sec-"

Drew jumped on her, hanging his arm on Alaina's shoulder. "The beach sounds nice! If its not as crowded, we will go there then!".

We walked there, and eventually got to it.

"There's a dressing room there, We'll get dressed and meet you guys after", Emma said.

Alaina rolled her eyes and followed. "This'll be fun, wont it?", Emma said grabbing my arm.

"I don't swim".

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