Chapter 9.

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"There's more?" I ask, looking up to meet this emerald eyes in shock. He didn't really have to take me anywhere else, I've had more than enough fun already, not that I'm complaining though.

He nods while humming. "You're hungry aren't you?" He asks while swinging side to side. He's so nerdy, how is this even possible.

"Yes, actually." I let out a happy sigh at the mention of food. "I'm starving."

"I am too." He smiles while turning his attention to me. "How about you pick where we go, I was bringing you to this really expensive restaurant but I don't think you're the type of girl who would care where she ate... As long as there was food." He chuckles.

I chuckle while nodding, that couldn't be more true. "How about....Taco Bell?" I suggest, suddenly feeling like eating a dozen tacos.

"I like tacos." He says. "Yeah, let's be Mexicans for a bit."


"Thank you for tonight Harry, I really enjoyed myself." I say honestly while smiling appreciably at him.

"No, thank you, I hadn't had that much fun in a while, I like being with you." He has a sparkle in his eyes that I can only describe as happiness and my heart suddenly starts beating 10x faster at the thought of me possibly making him feel this way.

"I like being around you too." I grin.

I take a quick look at the clock on top of Harry's radio and my eyes widen at the time. It's 12:36 am and I'm supposed to wake up early tomorrow to go to rehearsals.

"What's wrong?" Harry cluelessly asks when he notices my uneasy expression.

"I have to be at rehearsals tomorrow, well technically today, at 9am and it takes me forever to actually fully wake up in the morning." I groan and I notice Harry's smile turn into a frown.

"I was hoping we could go out tomorrow as well." He pouts and I can't believe the words coming out of his mouth, he actually wants to spend more time with me.

"You could come watch me rehearse?" I smile at my suggestion and watch as Harry's face lights up and smiles widely, liking the idea.

"I'll be there."

"Well, I better be going, thank you for today again." I smile while complementing on what to do next.

"Good night love, sweet dreams." He winked at me with that smirk on his face.

"Night Harold." I giggle while getting out of the car and waving at him while he drives away.

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