Chapter 28.

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-Maddie's POV-

Tears. Tears are taking over my face like a tsunami and I've given up to trying to stop them minutes before. Every time I blink more salty drops leave my eyes to run down my cheeks, making my sight blurry along with my whole knowledge.

I'm looking around and in time to time I forget what has happened or why I'm even crying but then it comes right back like a wound in my already broken heart taking every breath left out of my fragile body. I don't understand why, and I probably would never understand, that man meant so much to me, hell he still means the entire universe to me.

I love him, I love every part of him and I hate myself more and more for the fact that I can't erase him out of my life in a snap. He has engraved me into his charm and spell and sadly I'm cursed to live with his betrayal for the rest of my life.

"Maddie!" I suddenly stop walking. He sounds so relieved, so happy.

"I've been looking for you all over the place." He sighs. I can hear his footsteps. My mind is telling me run and never look back, but I know I should just turn around and stab him repeatedly for doing the same to me.

"Maddie? What's wrong? Turn ar-"

"What?" I whisper. I'm currently being attacked by a sudden anger towards this man who thinks of me as a fool and I'm reminded of who I am, and how strong I've been.

I can't let him win. So I turn around, tears running down my face but I don't care, I don't even care when I see his shocked expression because I know it's all an act, everything he has ever done was a lie to make me miserable, to hurt me.

"How can you stand there, pretending you've done no wrong?"

"Maddie, what are you talking ab-"

"Shut up! You got what you wanted, are you fucking happy with yourself now? Huh? Are you happy to see me breaking? Finally broken, I know." I shake my head at his confused expression.

"What did I do?" His voice breaks, his fucking voice breaks for fuck's sake.

"What did you do? Here's what you did. You opened a window, awakening a dream. Completely blinding my reasoning, I held on to hope, knowing what people said about you wasn't at all true. I took a bite of the fucking apple of love for you to run me over countless times and act like you don't fucking know a thing,

"Trust me, I don't want to love you anymore. I want to bury this pain seven feet underground but that's not possible which makes it even more frustrating. I want my heart to forget you and be strong because this won't be the last time this happens. All I have asked you in change was your honestly and sincerity and you can't even do that."

By the time I inhale, I know I'm a complete wreck. I said things maybe I shouldn't have said but then again I know I should have. Harry's face holds regret, pain and maybe achievement somewhere in there. I know he wants to see me like this, I know he does.

He formed alliances with someone who doesn't want me alive to brake me into pieces and that's exactly what he has done.

"Maddie, it's not what it looks like! I can explain, I love you." He hurriedly says and I have no other choice but to look at him wide eyed.

"You can't say that you love me when you have someone else in your bedroom." I whisper, already giving up on this fucked up man who only wants to see me broken.

"Love isn't perfect, Maddie." He sighs, taking a few steps forward while I do the same, but backwards.

"Nothing is wrong if love isn't perfect, as long as it's honest. And don't you dare demand for forgiveness because I know you will, and it's not right. I can't share what wasn't given to me and I think it's stupidly clear that I don't own your heart. I'm the one who's in the way here."

I breathe, I try to stop me freshly spilled tears but once again I fail miserably. The man in front of me does not deserve my tears, he doesn't deserve my love or anyone else's but the devil itself.

So I turn around, with a broken smile on my face.

"Maddie." He sighs, reaching for my hand.

"My name, is Madisen." I say through grifted teeth. This time, walking away for sure.

I walk down the stairs with my head down, thankful that he hasn't decided to follow me and as much as it hurts to say it I know that he's with her right now. I stop multiple times while going down the stairs and it's maybe too late to realize that it wasn't a good thing to do when I hear a high pitch voice coming from the big screen, lightening the whole living room where everyone's faces are showing pure shock.

"I'm Madisen Watson and I'm the biggest whore living on earth! My daddy likes to have fun with me so I force him to touch me, down there."

I didn't know it was humanly possible to cry this much and to feel this kind of pain. My hands are numb, I feel dizzy and I can't even blink to clear my sight because nothing seems to matter anymore.

"It feels so good! But then, my daddy didn't want anyone else to touch me, so I put him in jail! Smart right? Now everyone can have me as their rag doll. Especially Harry! He's the best one ye-"

The high pitch voice is cut off when the brown haired clown looking girl version of me gets hit by a yellow school bus. Some people even laugh, some just gasp, some don't do anything at all, including me.

The video itself has stolen my decency and courage, but what broke me completely was when Harry's name popped up on screen as the maker of it.

The screen goes black and the whole place goes silent. Too silent, I need some sort of noise. The nonsense said in the video keeps running in my mind and all I can think about is my dad, jail, whore and abusive scenes.

I take the few steps left of the stair case to finally get both of my feet on the solid floor. Everyone takes a few steps away from me but I don't care. I've stopped crying, I think. I don't feel tears attacking my cheeks anymore.

I don't look around at all, I just look ahead and walk ahead towards the exit. I hear Demi's voice, and Zayn's, maybe Niall's and Selena's as well. I don't know but I hear people calling my name.

They're calling me Maddie. My name is Madisen.

I'm standing in the street when I bring my hands up my head, trying to forget what has happened. Trying to wake up from this nightmare I'm afraid to admit is reality.

"Maddie, get out of the way!" I snap my head to the source of voice coming from the sidewalk.

The last thing I see is the devil's face with a tears on his face reaching out for something before I feel a stinging pain on my stomach and legs, then everything goes blank.


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