Teasing you about Grillby: Sans

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You and Sans were hanging out at Grillby's again since Papyrus was training at Undyne's place. Sans was cracking some jokes like always when Grillby saw you were low on (fav/drink). You yelped silently when Grillby took the glass. "I'll get you some more (fav/drink)." Grillby said before he walked into the kitchen.

Sans saw you were blushing a bit before you heard him snicker. "*you like him!~" Sans teased, you blush burned ten times harder and brighter before you growled. "N..no idea what you're talk..talking about b..bro." You replied as you glanced towards the kitchen.

"*(y/n), you're terrible at lying! *admit, you like him." You growled lowly at Sans as your right eye started to dimly glow pink. "Shut up Sans. We're friends, not... ya know." Sans chuckled before he poked your arm. "*what would happen to me if I told Grillby?~" You flinched.

Grillby was walking back with your drink before you yelled, "YOU TELL GRILLBY THAT I LIKE HIM, I WILL BARREY YOU ALIVE AND DANCE ON YOUR GRAVE!" Sans was snickering silently. "I never knew you had feelings towards me (y/n)." Grillby commented, you covered your face in embarrassment.

Sans and Grillby then heard you sniffling and whimpering. "*hey... sis... *i'm sorry, i was just trying to," Grillby shot him a glare and Sans got the message, "*i'll shut up now." Grillby laid his hand, after it was a cold blue color, on your beanie and rubbed it gently.

"It's ok (y/n), I like you too." You laid your skull on your arms, after holding your arms over the counter, and looked down a little. Sans left to possibly the ruins as Grillby tried to comfort you a bit. Grillby lifted your beanie up and kissed your forehead.

"I love you (y/n)." Grillby whispered, you smiled and blushed lightly. "I love you too Grillbz." You whispered back before your right pink eye returned to the normal white, same with the left eye. You moved your beanie back in place before yawning and falling asleep. Grillby smiled softly.

Grillby stayed with you, unless he had to serve the other customers, and placed your drinks' cost in Sans's tab. Sure, you had a tab you were almost done paying off, but Grillby thought of this as revenge-ish. When the bar closed, you just woke up since Grillby arm was around your shoulders.

You smiled and just closed your eyes and leaned into the fire monster. Maybe, for once, Sans did you a favor. But, still,

You are going to barrey him alive and dance on his grave.

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