Reading Sans's letter 2: Grillby/Papyrus

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You have been depressed for weeks. You were at Grillby's again with Grillby only. It was closed, but Grillby would stay with you all freaking night. "I..I miss him Grillby... I..It hurts..." You whimpered, Grillby rubbed your arm bone gently as he pressed his forehead on yours.

"It's going to be ok." Grillby said calmly as you looked up at him. "Grillby... I killed a freaking kid! A kid! I didn't know if they had a family or not!" You cried as you covered your eyes. Grillby could see you were sobbing before he took off your beanie and he kissed your forehead.

"You killed the human for a good cause. I bet even Asgore would be proud of you." Grillby said as he slowly petted your ghost hair. You looked at Grillby as your shoulders shook at an uneasy pace.  "B..but.." Grillby kissed you before you said anything else.

You blushed as a few tears slipped down. You soon kissed back as your blush grew a bit. Your shoulders stopped shaking before Grillby pulled away. Grillby then kissed your forehead and nuzzled you. "It'll be ok. I promise." Grillby whispered with his forehead against yours.

You nodded before Grillby offered to walk you to Asgore's place since you, Toriel, and Papyrus moved in. You accepted and walked with Grillby. Grillby had his arm around your shoulder and you walking close next to him the whole way.


Papyrus was carrying groceries with Undyne when the two saw Asgore lifting you onto the couch. "There. That should be better for your back." Asgore said encouragingly, you just turned to your side and whimpered.

Papyrus handed the groceries to Toriel before walking up to you. "Sister? Are you alright?" Papyrus asked calmly as he rubbed your shoulder gently.

"I.. I don't know a..anymore..." You whimpered as electric blue tears rolled down your cheekbones. Undyne, Toriel, and Asgore went to put the groceries away as Papyrus gently rubbed your back. "I miss Sans too. It's ok." Papyrus said as he ran his gloved hand through your ghost hair.

" do you kn..know that? What i..if another human falls d..down and they kill!" You asked in fear, Papyrus gently lifted you onto his lap and held you close. You sobbed and hugged Papyrus tightly. He usually weared jeans, his boots and scarf, and a orange sweater, so hugging him was easier than before.

"That won't happen. Want to know why," you slowly nodded as tears rolled down your stained cheekbones, "I know that because I have four strong monsters ready to protect me." Papyrus saw you buried your face into his sweater and shook uneasily.

"You are so strong. Please remember that." Papyrus said calmly and slowly as you hiccuped and sobbed. "I got you cinnibunnies, do you want them now?" Papyrus asked, you shook your head and squeezed Papyrus a bit more. "I just want to be with my only brother... please..."

Papyrus sighed and chuckled before kissing the top of your skull. "Anything for you (y/n)." Papyrus whispered before you both relaxed on the couch. Undyne and Toriel checked on you both about a hour later to see you both asleep. "Those guys can really help each, huh your majesty?" Undyne asked, Toriel nodded and laid a blanket over you both.

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