Meeting Swapfell/Taking Swapfell Pap in: Sans

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You were walking next to your eldest brother as Sans told you about some of the Aus. "I just can't help it Sans. I feel like I have to help people." You said before you both heard yelling and yelps of pain. "What was-?" Sans huffed as you ran off.

You saw an edgy version of your brother in armor whipping some edgy version of your Papyrus who dressed like Red. You growled as Chara made a fist. Your eyes sparked to orange as you teleported. "YOU USELESS-!" You were in the way and allowed the whip to wrap around your arm.

"Hey! Watch what you're doing!" You barked as you yanked the whip away from this version of your brother

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"Hey! Watch what you're doing!" You barked as you yanked the whip away from this version of your brother. Sand caught up to see this. "WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHY ARE YOU TELLING THE TERRIBLE SANS WHAT TO DO?!" "I'm (y/n) or Kelly. Also, you look as soft as a mouse."

You smirked as this version of Sans face got red in anger. "My turn. Why are you WHIPPING your own brother?" You asked as your right eye sparked to red. "HE WOULD NOT STOP SLEEPING AT HIS POST!" You turned and saw this version of Papyrus shivering in fear.

"Well, that's a pathetic excuse from a pathetic version of my oldest brother." You commented before fixing your beanie. "PATHETIC?!" "Yep. Nice listening skills." You turned this blackberry's soul blue before bringing him close. "Listen here, I ever see you near this amazing brother of yours, your skull will be pinned to my WALL."

You then pushed the blackberry back with your magic. You turned and smiled at the version of Papyrus. "Come on." You said as you offered your hand. The tall skeleton took your hand before you pulled him up. "*are you kidding (y/n)?"

You shrugged as Chara crossed her arms and smiled. "Come on Sans. We can let him sleep on the couch." Sans sighed before snapping his fingers and opening a portal. "I'm (y/n), but you can call me Kelly or Sis." "You can call me Orange." You three walked through the portal before seeing Papyrus looking sad.

"Papy?" You and Sans walked over as Orange stayed back. You held your older brother's gloved hand before he cried more. "Papy, what happened?" You asked, Papyrus pointed to a letter before you and Orange looked at it.

"Mettaton? Mettaton fell in love with Edge?" You asked after skimming over the letter. Papyrus nodded before Sans teleported away. "Oh good God." You muttered, Orange walked over and sat next to Papyrus before hugging him. "It's ok. I know how it feels to lose someone you love." You smiled as Papyrus hugged Orange back.

"Hey Pap, how about I cook?" You offered, Papyrus nodded as you chuckled. "Hey Orange, keep Papyrus company." Orange blushed as you walked into the kitchen. You pulled out what was necessary for spaghetti before starting to cook. You stopped and texted Alphys that Mettaton might be dead cause of Sans.

Alphys: I told Mettaton to be careful.

You: Yeah. But I think Pap found a new love.

Alphys: REALLY?! Can you take a quick picture?

You: Hang on.

You crept in to see Orange hugging Papyrus close as the two skeles slept. You turned off your flash and took a picture. You then noticed the two had slight orange blushes.

You: [sent pic] Cute right?

Alphys: KAWAII!!!

You: Heh. Ikr? Any way, gotta make dinner. Bio

Alphys: Bio

I ship SF Papyrus and UT Papyrus, they're so cute together

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