Protecting You: Gaster

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You and Gaster were at the lab. Since Sans and Papyrus were at school and you graduated early for a ten year old, you were able to help him. "Hey, do you think it'd be possible to talk things out with a human?" You asked as you looked at your notes.

"Matters what kind of human you're going to talk to." Gaster replied as he filed his paper work. That's when the intruder alarm went off. You were suddenly scared as your fear soul snapped into play. "Dad?!" Gaster saw dust exploding from the hallway. Gaster growled as his magic hand pulled you behind him.

You saw a very tall human, maybe a few inches shorter than Gaster, holding a knife with dust staining his clothes. You gasped as pink tears filled your sockets. The human rose their knife as Gaster got his magic ready. Your fear soul made a shield around you for safety.

You watched in horror and fear as your father fought this human. "DAD!" You screamed as the human cut the top of Gaster's skull. Gaster growled as blood ran out of the wound.

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You watched as Gaster summoned a Gaster Blaster and killed the human. Your shield faded as Asgore and other guards ran in. "D..daddy..." Gaster turned and saw you crying pink tears. Gaster walked to you and knelt in front of you. "It's ok. Daddy is ok." Gaster said softly as he petted your brown ghost hair.

"Are you both ok?!" Asgore asked as the guards stored the human's soul into a jar. "Yes we are. (Y/n) is just in shock." Gaster answered as you hugged your father and buried your face into his chest. "I see... would you like the rest of the day off?"

Gaster nodded as he rubbed your back. You were still sobbing as you were forcing yourself to use healing magic. "(Y/n)! Wait!" Gaster used his magic to cancel yours out. Asgore and the guards carried the human body out as Gaster made you look at him.

"What have I told you about forcing yourself to use magic?" "B..b..but you're hurt..." Gaster sighed before he smiled. "You're just like your mother. Come on, let's get some nicecream." You took off your lab coat and hung it next to Gaster's as you both walked out of the lab.


"And that was the human's furst impression on me." You said as you and Chara were at the park. That is one if the reasons why I hated... er... hats humanity. Chara replied before you looked down. Are you ok? Chara asked as they floated next to you.

"I... just miss him..." You whimpered as electric blue tears rolled down your sockets. Don't worry! If you can bring me back, you can bring back Gaster! Chara said encouragingly. You wiped your tears away and smiled.

"Thanks Chara. You really can help someone."

Any time (y/n)! Hey, want to get nicecream!

"... sure ..."

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