Chapter 10

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Maui's P.O.V

"Moana!" I ran over to her and I saw the spider but it wasn't a normal spider it was a monster from laloita. I smashed the bug with my hook and I went down to her and held her in my arms. "Moana, Moana please wake up!" I nearly shouted.

I stood up with her still in my arms and I ran to the village "Here bring her here." I heard a soft voice call to me. I turned my head and saw a elderly woman she motioned for me to come and I did. She held back the cloth that covered the enterence to the hut. "Lay her down over there." she spoke I gently laid her down on the floor bed.

She walked over but I couldn't pull my eyes off of her face it was etched in pain. The woman looked her down and her eyes focused on the bite mark. Thats when my eyes wandered down to it and I saw to holes and it was still bleeding.

"A bite like this normally would be an instant death, but this is no ordinary girl." she said while looking me in the eyes.

She walked over an area of the room where there were lots of different medicines. She walked back over and started putting medicines on the bite.

I tried to pay attention but I kept looking to Moana if she would have died what would he do he hasn't even had anytime with her. Tears welled in my eyes "These tattoos... They aren't completled" she said eyeing Moanas shoulder and wrist.

"They just appeared like that" I said "Do you know what these mean?" she asked me I just shrugged my shoulders "They mean she is becoming a demigoddess. But something is wrong there is something elsw that must be done to finish the process or else she will stay mortal...That explains why she hasn't died from the bite but she probably won't wake for sometime." she said as she patted my shoulder "Don't worry she is very strong" her calm voice eased my nerves a bit.

She then started to burn some sage and she went about doing some other things I knew that she was cleansing the hut which was probably for the best. That night I couldn't rest I kept watching her even though the healer assured me that she would be fine. Sometimes I would hear her call out my name from her sleep.

Moana's P.O.V

There was pain so much pain I just wanted to get away from it. I took a deep breath and I opened my eyes. I was over the shore where the ocean first chose me I saw the seashell then the world shifted to when I met Maui. The world kept shifting showing me parts of my life.

"Moana.." I heard a voice calling my name. It was a womans voice I turned and I saw the spirit of Tefiti she was in the air with me and was my size. "Moana you were chosen from that first moment on the beach. You have the heart of a God, and you are worthy of becoming a demigoddess. But there is still one more task that you must complete." she took a step towards me "You must come to me and there will be a final test for you." as she said that everthing started to fade away again.

A/N: Thank you for reading the next chapter will be up soon. And there may be some grammer errors because I have not checked it.

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