Chapter 15

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Moana's P.O.V

Me and Maui have been together for several months and I don't think I will ever be happier than I am with him.

I look out towards to ocean I had been feeling sick for the past couple of days. I decided to make my way towards the healer.

I could smell the herbs and incenses it almost made me nauseous. I pulled the curtain to the side and walked in.

"Moana's what brings you in my dear." She spoke so kindly.

I explained to her that I had been nauseous as well as other things that had been bothering me recently.

She nodded and then asked one question "When was the last time you have bled?" It caught me off guard I hadn't thought about that.

I shook my head "I'm not sure maybe two months."

She smiled at me knowingly "It is simple dear you are with child." I gasped and instinctively put my hand to my stomach.

Alittle mini Maui or mini me is inside my stomach.

I waited at our hut until Maui came home. "I heard you went to the Healer are you okay?" He walked over to me and kissed me softly

I nodded "The healer told me something today..." I looked him in the eyes.

"Well what did she say?" He questioned he was alittle worried.

"Nothing much other than I'm pregnant and carrying our child." I couldn't help but smile at him.

It took him a second to figure out what I just said then he scooped me up into a Maui hug "Are you serious?!" He basically yelled I nodded as I starting tearing up.

"I'm gonna be a Dad!" He yelled then kissed me.

He put me back down on the ground and knelt down in front of my belly "Hey there little baby it's me Dad I can't wait to see you but you have to grow big and strong inside of your mommas tummy." He then kissed my belly.

He then pulled me back into a hug "Your going to be the best mom ever."

For several months my belly got bigger and Maui got more excited he ended up making the baby all sorts of toys and things finally the day came.

I shot straight up out of bed in the middle of the night "Maui I.. I think it's time." I said in a strained voice  "it's time?... Wait it's time?!" I nodded at him he was out of there faster than I can say Hei Hei and Pua.

The midwife was living close by and he made sure to bring her back as fast as possible.

The pain continued to get worse as the time went on I had fewer breaks between contractions. My water had broke and they got turned up a couple of notches. My midwife informed me that I would need to start pushing soon.

I labored on for some more until I felt the need to push there was an immense amount of pressure. My midwife helped me push until I could see the head of my sweet baby.

I pushed two more times and the baby was out. The baby cried and I felt my eyes water. My midwife laid the baby on my chest. It was a beautiful baby boy.

She helped clean the baby and helped me deliver the afterbirth.

Me and Maui sat with our beautiful baby boy. A perfect moment in time the joy we felt was indescribable. And our life would continue to bring us happiness everyday.

A/N: Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

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