Chapter 11

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Moana's P.O.V

I was warm and the light was shining on my face I looked around and I was in a hut. There were medicines and herbs and the room smelt of sage. I must be in the healers hut there was nobody else in the room and it seemed to be later in the day.

I sat up my whole body ached I looked down and saw some small marks on my leg. There is no way that a spider that big could leave marks this small. These looked like pinpricks and I am pretty sure I saw blood.

Confused I make my way out of the hut looking around for Maui. I spotted him immediately he was helping some villagers. "How are you feeling dear?" I jumped hearing a old womans voice. I turned around she must be the healer I could smell the medicines and herbs on her.

"I'm alittle sore but I am fine. How long was I asleep?" I asked I noticed it was late in the day. "My dear you have been asleep for a whole day." I looked at her like she is crazy could I really have slept that long? "Come you must get something to eat." she said grabbing my hand she led me staight to Maui first. I saw relief flash across his face then he swept me up in a bear hug. " Oh Moana I thought you would never wake up." he said into my neck. I smiled and kissed him "I will always wake if you are there with me Maui." I kissed him again this time more passionately. I heard someone clear their throat "Come on you will have an eternity to kiss."

We laughed she motioned for us to follow her. I noticed that I was starving when I smelled the pork and chicken it was so mouth watering. The food was so delicious I ate until I was full. The rest of the day we talked about my dream and when we should leave it was decided that we would leave that evening because I had already slept all day and we wanted to get to Tefiti as soon as possible.

Maui kept a watchful eye over me the rest of the evening I know he was beating himself up over what happened. We finished restocking our boat with supplies when the spiritual healer came to me she had something in her hand it was wrapped in some nice fabric "This was left for you, open it when the time is right." she touched my hand and looked me in the eyes. I knew this was important.

We set off after the sun was down we still had a day to get to Tefiti. I hope this time nothing decides to show up I am getting really annoyed by all of these crazy things happening. I was so lost in thought that when Maui came up behind me I jumped alittle. "Whatcha' thinking about princess?" he kissed my neck. "Nothing much... Hey Maui?... When we get back after all of this do you...ya know want live to with me in my hut?." I blushed turning my head to the ocean as I asked this.

He was silent for a minute "Moana.. I would love to live with you... I want to stay with you forever." he turned me around and caressed my cheek "Moana I love you, I have never know a feeling like this before and I want to hold onto it for as long as possible." he kissed me I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I was so happy but I was scared what if I couldn't finish the last task? What if something went wrong? I pushed the thoughts aside and let myself enjoy the kiss. I could feel his love and I could feel my soul over flowing with love. In that moment I felt different I felt that I could do it. I will become immortal for Maui.
I love him.

A/N: Thank you everyone for reading this chapter I will try to have the next one up soon. Anyways toodles

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