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( chapter one ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝


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IF YOU WERE TO ASK ANYONE IN PANEM WHO NADIA MARTELL WAS, YOU'D GET A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT ANSWERS. Some would tell you that she was a cold blooded killer, others would argue that she was a goddess who came from the heavens above. But to Finnick Odair, Nadia Martell would always be the one that got away.

He thought about her often, about how different things would be today if Nadia had never been reaped. He thought about how she used to be, how sweet and gentle and kind her soul had been before she was forced into that arena to fight to the death at the age of 15. He thought about all the time they spent together, about all the memories that consisted of her. He thought about if and how often she thought about him. Did she even remeber Finnick? It'd been so long.

The truth was, Nadia Martell only thought about very few things, and Finnick Odair did not make the list. She was a busy woman, what with President Snow always calling her in to take care of things for him like she was some errand girl.

After the 68th Hunger Games, Nadia never returned home, not that she had a home to return to. Her parents were gone and Finnick was just about the only family she had left. But even so, she never came back to him.

She was taken to the Capitol, where President Snow had taken the liberty of making her his personal lap dog. Anytime he needed a threat or enemy eliminated, she was already on her way with her signature gun loaded and in her hands.

He turned her into a monster. He turned her into a killer. He turned her into a weapon. And a weapon she was.

Nadia was merely a weapon to President Snow. She was expendable. She was only a pawn in a game that she didn't even know she was a part of. And maybe that's why he'd choosen her for this particular assignment.

It wasn't unusual for the white haired man to call Nadia into his office late in the night, that's when he preffered she complete her missions. She entered the building in which he lived and worked with her familiar black clothing and her notorious pistol strapped snugly to her waist. She walked into his office as silently as she always was, waiting for him to start speaking like the good little soldier she was trained to be.

"I have another task for you." His raspy voice cut through the silence, making the Hispanic girl perk up in interest. It'd been a while since she'd been assigned a job and she was eager to get back out there.

He finally turned his chair toward her to look her in the eye. "It's a very important one. It's something that I trust only you with." He said these words like she should feel honored.

Nadia just stared back at him, waiting for the old man to continue.

"It's need you to kill Katniss Everdeen." At that, the brunette raised her eyebrows. He wanted her to assassinate one of the Capitol's favorites?

Her face soon returned to its blank expression. "How do you suggest I do that, sir?"

President Snow straightened in his seat, as if he was waiting for her to ask that question. "This year's Games will be a Quarter Quell. I've decided that the Tributes for the 75th Hunger Games are going to be reaped from a pool of existing Victors from each district." He explained, watching the Martell girl's eyes trail off for a moment before meeting his once more. "You are to be the female Victor for District 4."

Nadia hesitated, something - maybe fear? - flickering in her eyes before it disappeared just as quickly as it came. She then nodded her head in submission. "And you want me to kill Katniss in the arena?" She inquired.

"Not right away." He shook his head. "I don't want people to get suspicious. Become an ally, a friend, someone they can trust. Once everyone else is dead, that's when you take her life."

The brunette nodded her head again. "Yes, sir."

With that, she left his office, some people staring and whispering as she passed by. The Latina payed no attention to them, instead kept her back straight and head held high. Her mind was racing as she walked back to her small apartment only a few blocks from where President Snow lived.

Wouldn't this cause an uproar between the districts? They already hated the Games enough and forcing the Victors to fight to the death again would not be a welcomed decision. Was the death of Katniss Everdeen that important that he was willing to risk the possibility of resistance?

Nadia shook her head to clear her thoughts. She shouldn't be worrying about that stuff, that wasn't her job. Her job was to kill the Capitol's new Darling when the time was right. The Victor of the 68th Hunger Games soon realized that she was at an advantage; she knew that she was going to be back in the arena.

The Martell woman stopped in her tracks, pausing before turning and heading in the opposite direction of her living quarters. She arrived at the Training Center in a matter of minutes, removing her weapons and jacket before stepping up to the punching bag.

Her knuckles split after minutes of relentless hitting. Small amounts of blood oozed from the fresh cuts, but she didn't acknowledge the familiar dark red liquid. Instead, she ignored the pain in both of her hands and continued on.

That night, Nadia Martell did not sleep.

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