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( epilogue ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

╔═══════════════════════════╗REAPER( epilogue ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

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NOTHING COULD STOP THEM. They were the king and queen of the world. Water splashed up as their feet sank into the damp sand. The young girl heard laughter not far from behind her as she ran against the wind, knowing she was going to get caught sooner or later. Her eyes shut for a second as the salt of the ocean filled her nostrils. This is home.

She released a yelp when two arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her backwards. She screamed as her feet left the ground, being spun around until she felt as if she were going to throw up the contents of the lunch she'd had earlier that day.

"Okay, okay! That's enough, you can out me down!" She yelled between laughs, and the boy obliged, gently placing her back on the sand and holding onto her so she wouldn't topple over from the dizziness.

His eyes that matched the waves of the ocean watched her as she struggled to balance herself, lit up with admiration and joy, as they usually did when he was with his best friend. "It's not my fault you think you can outrun me." He crossed his arms over his chest and jerked back when she punched his shoulder playfully.

"Arrogance doesn't look good on you, Odair." She retorted, tucking a peice of dark ebony hair behind her ear, though the wind just blew it out of place again.

He scoffed. "Everything looks good on me, Martell." He took a few steps back, anticipating the blow she was undoubtedly going to throw his way.

She rolled her eyes at him, before she looked his way again, seeing the mischievous smirk upon his pink lips.

Knowing exactly what he was thinking, Nadia turned and ran as fast as her legs would take her in the opposite direction, the blonde not far behind her.

"Run as much as you want, Nadia." He panted, his words almost getting lost in the wind as the young girl glanced back at him with a smile so bright it could replace the sun. "I'll find you."

[ so this is it, the ending of the first book ! i know it's not much, but i wanted to end on a positive note with a cute memory. there will definitely be a sequel, i just don't know when i'm going to start writing it. i've already thanked you all who have read and voted and commented, so until next time, lovelies ! ]

REAPER. ( finnick odair )Where stories live. Discover now