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( chapter nine ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

╔═══════════════════════════╗REAPER( chapter nine ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

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FINDING NADIA AGAIN WAS A HUGE RELIEF TO FINNICK. His heart swelled with joy when he saw her face. And though it was covered in blood, he could still make out her beautiful and sharp features.

He called her name, partly in disbelief that it was actually her he was seeing, and partly because he was grateful that she wasn't dead. He watched as her head snapped towards him, an unknown and unfamiliar look flashing across her face before she ran at him.

At first, he thought she was going to tackle and strangle him, but she surprised him by jumping into his arms, sighing into his shoulder almost as if she was worried about him. He stumbled back, shocked by her actions, but quickly hugged her back, holding her close like he was going to lose her any second. Which he supposed he could.

She then pulled away from him. "You guys are alive." The Martell woman whispered in disbelief as she glanced at Peeta and Katniss running to catch up behind him; she obviously thought that they hadn't made it out intact.

"Yeah," The sandy haired man nodded his head, glancing at the other three Victors also fully covered in red, "what happened to you guys?"

Johanna let out a dry laugh from behind the reunited pair. "Those goddamn sadists controlling everything is what happened!" She shouted, intending for the 'sadists' to hear her, her gaze upwards as if she was talking to her surroundings. It was obvious she blamed the gamemaker and people behind all this, though no one could hold that against her; they did ruin her life.

Finnick glanced at her before looking back to Nadia for a more elaborate explanation. "We were deep in the jungle, near a stream." The Latina started. "It was peaceful, quiet, safe; until the rain started." She scoffed as she thought back to the fresh memory, shaking her head. "I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood."

The other brunette woman covered in the sticky red liquid spoke up again. "Hot, thick blood." She seethed, pushing Wiress, who seemed to be in a daze while she mumbled in Johanna's face, away from her. "It started choking us. Luckily, Nadia led the way to safety, our hero."

The Martell girl rolled her eyes at her sarcastic comment, listening to 3 chant to herself. "Tick tock, tick tock."

Said Victor gripped Johanna's arms as she repeated her mantra, stressing each and every syllable like it was the most important thing in the world right now. The Mason girl then grabbed Wiress and roughly shoved her. "Listen to me." She said forcefully. "Stop it."

"Hey!" Nadia's head snapped toward the bow welding warrior as she stepped in. "Lay off her!"

As Johanna pushed the woman to the ground, Katniss roughly grabbing a hold of her. The Latina and her sandy haired partner intervened before it could escalate, holding the District 7 Victor back as she tried to attack the Mockingjay.

REAPER. ( finnick odair )Where stories live. Discover now