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( chapter four ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

╔═══════════════════════════╗REAPER( chapter four ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

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Together, they were graceful. Together, they were unstoppable. Together, they were lethal.

Katniss watched Nadia swing her sword as if the weapon were an extension of her arm. The Latina was merciless as she relentlessly attacked her opponent, raining down her wrath upon the poor man.

The District 4 female Victor knocked him on his ass with a swift kick to his leg, her blade coming up to his neck threateningly. She looked up, meeting the sky blue eyes that belonged to the Girl on Fire. The corner of her lips twitched upwards as she smirked slightly, putting her sword back on the rack where she had originally found it.

The Everdeen girl turned away from the notorious Reaper, bringing her attention to the other tributes spread out in different areas of the room.

Nadia observed all the different types of weapons; she could use almost all of them. Her fingers glided over the sharp blade of a shorter sword, the feeling of the cool steel beneath her touch somehow comforting her. She was pulled from her own twisted and dark world by the voice of a certain Victor she had come to dislike in the few days she'd been in the Capitol.

"That was impressive." Finnick complimented, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall next to the Martell girl. The brunette side eyed him from her position, turning and walking in the opposite direction in which he was standing without saying a word. "Well that was rude." She heard him mumble to himself before the sound of his footsteps running to catch up with her filled her ears.

"Not in the talking mood?" He questioned from next to her, glancing her way as the two walked side by side.

She chuckled dryly. "With you, I'm never in the talking mood."

The male Victor pouted sarcastically. "Oh how you wound me, Martell."

Nadia abruptly stopped in her tracks, seeming to be fed up with him, before turning to him with her eyes narrowed dangerously. She stepped closer to the man from her childhood; her childhood that ended too quickly, her childhood that seemed to be a distant dream whenever she thought back to it. "I'm not your friend, I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not even an acquaintance. I'm going to murder you in the arena," she seethed, "so it's best you stay away, Odair, because I will show no mercy." The brunette snapped at Finnick before storming away, the sandy haired man watching her all the while.

The Martell woman did not look back as she rushed out of the training room. She roamed the hallways, like a lost child in search for their mother. She did not wish to go back to her room, but she did not want to be around others as well.

The silence that suffocated her was interrupted by a man she knew of, but was not acquainted with. "Want some company?" She turned to see Haymitch Abernathy; a District 12 Victor. He leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for an answer from the girl.

She stared at him in confusion before shaking her head. "No."

Nadia was surprised that he didn't leave after that. Instead, he took a seat on the bench not far from the female Victor. "I've seen what you can do." He finally spoke after many unbearable moments of awkward silence.

The Reaper sighed, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "What do you want, 12?"

Haymitch chuckled. "I think you would make a good ally for Katniss and Peeta."

"You want me to be their ally?" She asked in disbelief, raising an eyebrow at the man.

He nodded his head. "Yes, I do. You're skilled and they could use all the help that they can get."

The Latina did not say anything after that, her thoughts consisting of all the pros and cons of teaming up with the District 12 Victors. President Snow did say to gain their trust, what better way to do that than to become an ally?

Before she could accept, the alcoholic took a step toward her. Taking one of her hands in his, he placed something in her palm. "Make the right choice, Nadia."

The way he spoke those words worried her. It sounded as if he knew of her mission from the President, as if he knew what she had planned for Katniss.

With a long and piercing look into her eyes, he walked away. The Martell girl glanced down at the object he'd given her, her gaze landing on a shiny gold ring; a token.

"I want to go home."

President Snow raised an eyebrow at the words that left the 15 year old's mouth. Setting his pen down on the notepad in front of him, he folded his hands on his desk as he looked at the Hispanic girl sat across from him. "I know." He sighed, sounding almost sympathetic toward the child. "But you can't."

Nadia furrowed her eyebrows and leaned forward in her seat. "Why not?"

"Because I need you to do something for me." The gray haired man explained, meeting the curious gaze of the teenage girl, whose face contorted into an even more confused expression at his words.

"The stuff you did in the arena," the Martell child's stomach dropped at the gruesome images that flashed before her eyes, taking her back to the place that plagued her nightmares, "it was quite impressive. I could use you and your skills around here."

The girl's heart started to beat faster as the seconds went on. Her palms started to sweat and an insidious feeling built in the pit of her stomach. "But I want to go home." She weakly whispered in fear.

President Snow abruptly and without warning slammed his hands against the wood of his desk. "Well you don't make the decisions!" He shouted gruffly, making the brunette in front of him flinch at the tone of his voice.

He then took a deep breath before speaking in a very calm manner, like his outburst hadn't just happened. "I do. And I've decided that you are going to work for me."

Nadia gulped nervously, her eyes avoiding his in intimidation. "What kind of work will I be doing?"

The elder man smiled at the sign of her cooperation, picking up the discarded pen to continue writing. "You'll know soon enough, child."

REAPER. ( finnick odair )Where stories live. Discover now