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( chapter ten ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

"SO BESIDES BRUTIS AND ENABARIO, WHO'S LEFT?" Katniss questioned as she looked at the other allies gathered around her

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"SO BESIDES BRUTIS AND ENABARIO, WHO'S LEFT?" Katniss questioned as she looked at the other allies gathered around her. Nadia kneeled on one knee as she rested her sword on her leg, ready to fight any other Tributes that dared to come at them.

Peeta shrugged. "Maybe Chaff, just those three."

"They know they're outnumbered." Finnick started. "I doubt they'll attack again. We're safe here on the beach."

The Martell woman nodded her head in agreement with his statement. "So what do we do?" She inquired, glancing at all of them for an answer before offering one herself. "Hunt them down?"

The bow welding girl opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by Beetee. "I have a plan." He stated, a moment of silence passing between them as they waited for him to continue. He glanced at them and resumed speaking when he saw that they were waiting on him. "Where do the Careers feel safest? The jungle?"

Johanna shook her head immediately, remembering her own experience. "The jungle's a nightmare." She answered him with a tint of disgust in her tone.

The District 12 male Victor spoke up, readjusting his tight grip on his weapon, which he held close in precaution of having to use it anytime he felt the need to. "Probably here on the beach."

"Then why are they not here?" Beetee asked rhetorically waiting for the rest to catch up.

"Because we are; we claimed it." Nadia replied, though he already knew the answer to his own question.

The older man nodded his head. "And if we left they would come. Or stay in the treeline." His eyes scanned their expecting faces. "Which in just over 4 hours will be soaked with water from the 10 o'clock wave. And what happens at midnight?"

Katniss shrugged. "Lightning strikes that tree." She answered, gesturing to the large tree visible from where they currently resided.

"Here's what I propose." They all looked at the man in anticipation to see what he had come up with. "We leave the beach at dusk. We head to the lighting tree. That should lead them back here." He picked up to copper wire resting at his feet. "Prior to midnight, we then run this wire from the tree to the water. Anyone in the water or on the damp sand will be electrocuted."

Nadia grabbed a handful of the sand and let the grains fall through her fingers before she looked back to Beetee. "How do we know the wire won't burn up?"

An amused chuckle escaped his lips. "Because I invented it. I assure you, it won't burn up."

The Latina met Finnick's gaze and they shared a silent discussion on whether or not this was the best call. She shrugged her shoulders before turning back to the group. "Well it's better than hunting them down. What can we do to help?" She inquired.

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