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( chapter three ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

╔═══════════════════════════╗REAPER( chapter three ) ╚═══════════════════════════╝

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"NADIA MARTELL, DISTRICT 4." The large screen showed said girl, her eyes ablaze with a dangerous look. She didn't move, didn't smile or wave, didn't even blink as she stared straight ahead of her like a statue.

Peeta perked up at the familiar name, leaning forward in his seat, closer to the tv. "Wait, I think I've heard of her."

"You probably have." Haymitch nodded, pacing back and forth in front of the screen with a remote in hand. "She's kind of a legend."

Katniss let out a scoff at that. "What makes her so special?"

"Well, she's a trained and very skilled killer. Everyone remembers her because she hunted down each and every Tribute and murdered them on live television; she was merciless." He explained, memories of watching the 68th Hunger Games flashing before his eyes.

The female Victor tore him from his thoughts when she shrugged her shoulders. "So?"

The older blonde man sighed in frustration, taking a seat on the table in front of both Peeta and Katniss. "Do you know why they call her Reaper?"

The raven haired beauty shook her head. "No."

"Because some say she carries the touch of death." He spoke slowly, making sure they both understood everything he was saying. "Do you know why they call her Missile?"

The Everdeen girl shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because no one ever sees her coming. Do you know why they call her Hurricane?"

This time, Peeta spoke up, hanging onto every word Haymitch said. "Why?"

"Because she's unstoppable." He told them, getting up from his seat and turning toward the television, eyes landing on the ruthless killing machine that he'd only met once before in his entire life. "Nadia Martell is a force to be reckoned with. She's clever and strong and will not hesitate to kill you; don't get on her bad side." He shot Katniss a look. "I'm talking to you, Girl on Fire."

The raven haired girl rolled her eyes. "What are her weaknesses?"

"As far as I can tell, she doesn't have any." Haymitch answered with a simple shrug.

Her eyebrows furrowed as a look of disbelief overtook her features. "None? At all?"

The older man shrugged his shoulders again, turning back to the subject of their conversation. Nadia Martell was a grave danger and threat to all the other Victors, especially if the rumors of her working for President Snow were true.

"I'd keep a close eye on her." He warned. "Like I said before, you won't even see her coming."

As the Martell girl made her way toward her chariot, people stared. She didn't know if it was because of the reputation she'd earned, or the ridiculous outfit she was being paraded around in. And if she was being honest with herself, she didn't give a damn.

She ignored the curious gazes and whispers of rumors about her. Instead, she brought her hand up to pet the dark haired horse, her fingers gliding over its neck and through its luscious mane. It was moments like these that Nadia's mind truly felt at peace.

The welcomed silence was interrupted by the familiar voice of Finnick Odair. He came to a stop next to the girl, nodding his head in greeting. "Martell."

The brunette glanced over at her former friend, looking him up and down before snorting at the sight of what he was wearing. "Nice outfit."

"I could say the same." He smiled condescendingly, popping a sugar cube in his mouth before offering her one. "Sugar cube?"

The Latina's face scrunched up in disgust before she shook her head. Turning to face him, she crossed her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"

"I can't say hi to a friend?" He asked with a furrowed brow.

"We're not friends." Nadia snapped harshly, narrowing her eyes at the man.

Finnick frowned mockingly, putting his hand over his heart as if he was in pain. "Ouch. That hurts my feelings, you know."

The Martell girl raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware you had feelings."

The male Victor rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to retort, but was cut off by an announcement from the speakers. "Tributes, mount up. Tributes, mount up."

Once it was over, he looked to the brunette. "Duty calls." She gave him a blank stare as he stepped into the chariot, offering her his hand. "Let's go, babe. We wouldn't want to be late to our own party, now would we?"

This time, it was the brown eyed girl's turn to roll her eyes at him, ignoring his extended arm and stepping onto the platform by herself. She said nothing as the carts in front of them started to move forward, one by one, until the horses for the District 4 chariot began to walk.

Nadia kept her head high and her shoulders squared as the cheers became louder once they were in plain sight. She heard chants of her name, of other Victor's names, but she did not react. She did not wave, she did not smile, unlike Finnick, who's grin made his fans scream louder.

The female and male Victors passed by President Snow, the Martell girl making eye contact with him. He gave her a subtle nod before the brunette looked away.

Soon, it was all over, and the Latina immediately took off, heading toward her room without so much as a goodbye to the Odair man or her stylists. Nadia glanced behind her, briefly meeting the curious gaze of her former friend, before she turned around.

This time, she did not look back.

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