Get rid of it

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"Aren't you supposed to be fishing?" Stevie teased, when Lindsey grabbed himself another beer and came to sit with her. 

"No, actually. I agreed to come on this boat, hoping to see you in a swimsuit."

Stevie laughed, shaking her head, as she leaned more into Lindsey and looked out into the ocean. "There are only two things you're capable thinking of; music or getting me naked."

"Where do you see a problem in that exactly?" Lindsey asked, wrapping one arm around her, resting his chin on top of her head. "I'm surprised you wanted to join the guys."

"You know I love the ocean." She shrugged. "I love how quiet it is out here, away from the shore. It's so calm and peaceful."

"I love you." He said, pressing a kiss to her hair. 

"I love you, too." She tilted her chin up to look at him, a beautiful smile on her face.

"I'm glad to see you like this again, happier. You got me worried, Steph, you really did." Lindsey admitted, combing her hair with his fingers. "I started thinking about..." Instead of continuing, he shrugged and trailed off.

"Don't, Lindsey. I know exactly what you were thinking about and I can swear to you, that I only have eyes for you. You're the only man I've ever needed."

"I better be." Lindsey joked, not wanting to dampen the mood. "When we get back to the house, I'll show you." He winked, when Stevie pulled away to give him anything but an amused look.

"We're not having sex in Mick's guest bedroom, with our fellow bandmates, their wives and a bunch of kids around." 

"I hope you're not!" Mick told them, having overheard the last couple of sentences.

"Well, if you were able to be quiet..."

"Shut up, Lindsey." Stevie laughed, swatting him playfully.

Comfortable silence settled, as Mick and John were fishing at one end of the boat, and Stevie and Lindsey were soaking up the sun, as she hummed a melody, almost lulling him to sleep. 

When the four of them returned from their little trip, Mick's wife approached Stevie, with a smile on her face, not wanting to alarm her or more so Lindsey. Lynn asked Stevie for some help in the kitchen and she happily joined in.

"Your assistant called." Lynn said, once they were out of the earshot of Lindsey. "She said, she must speak with you. She didn't tell me what about, so I wasn't sure if you wanted to bring Lindsey into this."

"Thank you." Stevie gave a nod of her head. 

Seeing the men all together, deep in conversation, Stevie climbed the stairs up and went to the guest room, she and Lindsey were occupying, without being noticed. Taking her bag, she found a small notebook, she kept all her contacts in, searching for Karen's. 

Stevie didn't have to wait for long, Karen picked up almost right away.

"Hey. What's going on?" Stevie asked, wasting no time.

"I went to check on the house and I found a pile of letters and whatnot, seemingly tossed over the gate."

"Did you look into them?" 

"I did." 

"Okay... What did you find? Was anything signed?"

"I found a couple of pictures, but mostly little notes, saying how someone needed to speak to Lindsey, because he needs to know the truth and you would never tell him." After a short pause, Karen asked. "Stevie, what do they mean?"

Swallowing uneasily, Stevie ran a hand through her hair, then sighed heavily. "Was there maybe contact information?"

"No. No address, no phone number, no name."

"Good." Stevie nodded to herself. "Destroy it."

"What? Why? Are you going to tell-"

"No, Karen. This is none of your business. Thank you for letting me know, but please, get rid of all of it immediately."

"As you wish." Karen sighed, not really having any other choice.

Before Stevie could make her comeback to the kitchen, Lindsey walked into their room. "Hey, who were you on the phone with?"

"Uh, Karen. Lynn told me she called, so I called back. She... She just wanted to let me know that Sulamith had to be taken to the vet, but she's fine now."

"Oh? What happened?" Lindsey asked, as he took a seat beside Stevie.

"Sula wasn't eating at all." Stevie hated lying to Lindsey, but what she told him now wasn't going to hurt him as much as what she was withholding. 

"She probably just misses you." 

"Probably." Stevie nodded. "I've got to go back to Lynn, she asked me to help with dinner."

"Oh, sure." Lindsey got up from the bed and followed Stevie out and down the stairs. She went back to the kitchen, while Lindsey returned to Mick and John, finding only Mick. "She's lying about something."

"Huh?" Mick frowned, looking over his shoulder at Lindsey. "What makes you say that?"

Sighing, Lindsey slumped down in an armchair, leaning forward, he rested his head in his hands. "She went up to our room to talk to someone on the phone. If she wasn't hiding anything, she could have called from down here, right?"

"Well, I guess. Although, I don't really see what the big deal is." Mick shrugged, hoping to steer Lindsey's mind away from it.

"Stevie told me that she spoke to Karen, because Karen wanted to tell her, she took Sulamith to the vet. Come on." Lindsey shook his head. "Something's going on."

Keeping quiet for a minute, Mick then said, knowing Stevie wasn't going to appreciate it, especially since she asked him to keep his mouth shut. "Well, mate, I suggest you have a serious conversation with your wife."

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