Who's this?

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Hours later after Stevie and Lindsey had left, Alice and Sheryl were watching a movie together, snacking on some popcorn. They had been silent since the movie started, but something heavily lay on Alice's mind, she just didn't know how to bring it up. Sheryl noticed, however she thought she should let Alice speak when she felt like it, so she kept quiet.

The movie finished and still, not a word was exchanged. Reaching for the remote control, Sheryl muted the TV and turned to Alice. "What is it, sweetheart? I can tell something's bothering you."

Alice nodded, shyly looking at her Mom. She stood up for a short moment, so she could tuck her legs under her. She only did that to prolong the pause. "I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I met my real parents, at least my mother, and... I like them." Alice shrugged. "I don't want you to get hurt, because I like them."

"Oh, honey..." Sheryl smiled at her daughter, wrapping one arm around Alice's shoulders, she pulled the girl closer. "If I thought this whole situation would hurt me, I wouldn't have tried to find Stevie. I wouldn't have gone to see her, I would have just told her I knew nothing about them."

"Really?" Alice asked, her demeanor slightly changing. 

"Of course. Since the day I brought you home with me, I knew that there might come a time, when either Stevie would come to me herself or I would have to go to her. If anything, Alice, I think you deserve to know them and the fact that you like them makes me so very happy, honey."

A frown appeared on the girl's face again. "But... I want to see Stevie and Lindsey again and probably again after that. Won't it make you feel like I don't love you anymore? That I forgot about you?"

"Never. Please, don't worry about it." Sheryl said, shaking her head. "I love you, Alice. I couldn't have children of my own. When John and I adopted you, I was so unbelievably happy. I thought, maybe in the future, we would give another baby a home as well, but when he and I divorced, I realized that you were always going to be my one and only. I love you to bits, sweetheart, and I want what's best for you. If that means spending time with your biological parents or..." Sheryl trailed off, not yet wanting to think of that scenario. "Then so be it. I'll be happy."

"Mom..." Alice's lip trembled, her big brown eyes brimmed with tears, as she hugged Sheryl close. "I'm glad you told me that. I was feeling guilty."

"No, don't." Sheryl smiled lovingly, wiping Alice's tears away, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Don't feel like all these meetings have to be arranged either. If you want to see Stevie and Lindsey, just give them a call yourself."

"I can do that?" 

"Absolutely." Sheryl nodded. 

Alice was quiet for a minute, avoiding Sheryl's eyes. Biting her lower lip, she then asked. "Can I call now?"

"Go ahead." 

With a grin on her face, Alice jumped to her feet and ran to the phone. She dialed the number, that was written on a piece of paper and stuck to the fridge by a magnet, then waited for someone to pick up.

Stevie's voice reached Alice momentarily. "Have you been waiting for me to call?" Alice joked, hearing Stevie laugh lightly. 

"Maybe I had a feeling."

"I just wanted to ask if you're still upset."

"I'm not upset, honey, I'm doing fine. Today was a little emotional, that's all."

"Yeah, it was for me, too. I'm happy I know both of you now."

"And we're so very happy, too."

"I was wondering, maybe we could see each other again soon? I'd really like to get to know you better."

"Of course, Alice. Whenever you want. Maybe this time you could come over to ours."

"Oh, I'd love that!"

"Well, then it's settled."

After saying goodbye, Alice hung up, unable to hide her smile. She still was concerned about Sheryl, she was the only parent Alice knew since she could remember, but she was excited Stevie and Lindsey were a part of her life now, too. Much like Stevie herself, Alice got attached quickly and when she loved, she loved fiercely. 

It was after 10 pm. Alice was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed, while Sheryl was cleaning up the living room, picking up popcorn off the floor and carrying out the empty pizza box. 

Washing her hands in the kitchen sink, Sheryl reached for the kitchen towel to dry her hands, then tossed it away, getting startled by the doorbell. Frowning, she looked at the clock on the wall. Who on earth could it be? And at this time?

Making her way to the door, she looked through the peephole and took a step back. She wasn't sure if she wanted to open the door to the person on the other side. The bell rang again and Sheryl sighed, unlocking the door.

"Good evening." She was greeted by a British accent.

"Hello." Sheryl tipped her head, standing in the doorway. "What brings you here?"

"I think that you know the answer to that already. May I come in?"

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

Having heard voices, Alice came out of the bathroom and went to her mother. "Mom?"

Sheryl looked over her shoulder at Alice, then faced straight ahead again. "I think it's best if you leave."

"Who's this, Mom?" Alice asked.

"I'm Mick."

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