My sweet girl

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Bringing his hand to her face, Lindsey brushed his thumb over Stevie's cheek, kissing her gently to wake her up, when the cab stopped by their house. "We're back home, baby." 

Stevie mumbled something, opening her eyes with a groan. During the last few days, the two of them reconciled in every sense of the word and she hadn't really had much rest. Claiming she wasn't tired, she stayed awake during most of the flight, then fell asleep as soon as they got in the car. 

Lindsey paid for the ride and they got out, taking over the luggage from the driver. 

"I can't wait to lay down." Stevie said, yawning. "I'm going to sleep forever."

Instead of saying something, Lindsey smiled, waiting for Stevie to find her keys. However, before she could do that, the door opened and a concerned looking Karen let them in. 

"What's wrong?" Stevie asked, suddenly becoming very alert. 

"It's Alice." Karen simply said, causing Stevie to taken in a sharp breath.

"What about her?" Lindsey frowned, standing beside Stevie, with his arm around her waist. 

"She's upstairs, sleeping. I arrived to check on the house like everyday and I found the poor thing a sobbing mess, sitting on the front step."

"What?!" Stevie gasped, glancing at Lindsey, whose worried expression mirrored hers. "Why? Did she say anything? What happened, Karen?"

"Calm down, Stevie, please. Alice is fine, physically anyway. Please, just take a deep breath. Let's have a seat." Karen led them to the living room, where she picked up what looked like a letter and handed it to Stevie.

Swallowing uneasily, Stevie took it with shaking hands and again, briefly looked at Lindsey, as he tipped his head, indicating for her to read it.

My darling Alice,

First of all, before I say anything, I want you to know how much I love you. From the very first time I held you as a baby, I was completely wrapped around your little finger. I'm sorry for the things I did or said wrong. I never meant to hurt you, ever. I've always wanted what's best for you. I still do and I always will. 

Because of this exact reason, baby girl, I have to go...

I've never told you anything, because I knew you'd be upset and I never want that gorgeous smile on your face to be replaced by anything else. You are my whole world. 

Several months ago, I went to see a doctor for a check up. It didn't go well. The doctor was concerned, they ran some tests... I was diagnosed with cancer, my angel. It's too advanced and there's nothing really that could be done. I could have agreed to treatment, which meant I would have been a lot worse than I've been recently and I wouldn't have had this beautiful time with you. I don't have very long left, sweetheart, I'm sorry. 

When you found out that you were adopted, this is truly why I agreed to let you meet your real parents, because I knew you'd need them. I hope you don't get the wrong impression, it's not because they're well off, but it's because your mother, your real mother, loves you with every piece of her heart. I knew they'd take care of you, when I couldn't anymore. 

My health is declining, fast. I know I'll soon leave this world, hopefully, for a better place, sadly, without you with me. I didn't want you to see me suffer, I didn't want you to hurt, that's why I chose to leave. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you all this in person, but just writing this is tearing me apart. 

I love you and I'll be thinking of you until the very last breath I take, 

Mama Sheryl

Tears were freely running down Stevie's cheeks, as she faced Lindsey seeing his own eyes brimmed with tears. She put the letter away and reached for him, crying into his chest, as he did his best to calm her down. 

"I can't believe this." Stevie sniffled, taking a tissue from Karen. "Our poor baby girl, Linds... I can't possibly imagine in how much pain she is."

"I know, Steph, I know." He nodded, kissing her temple. "Oh God..."

"She came to us and we weren't here, Lindsey, we weren't here for her, when she needed us."

"Now, we couldn't have known this would happen, Stevie. You can't blame yourself." Pulling back, he framed her face in his hands, wiping under her eyes with his thumbs. "But she came to us, baby."

"I should have been here, I should have been the one to embrace her and let her cry to me."


"I'm a horrible mother, I already let Alice down." Stevie grabbed another tissue, then tossed them away once they got damp. 

Karen excused herself, giving them a moment alone. 

Stevie and Lindsey sat together, he had her wrapped in his arms, rocking them both gently. She wanted to go to Alice, but Lindsey convinced her to let the girl rest. Neither of them had any idea how long it had been, before a voice came from behind them.


A fresh wave of emotions flooded over Stevie, as she jumped to her feet and was in front of Alice in a blink of an eye. "Oh, my sweet girl..." She pulled Alice into her arms and let her cry.

It was a turn none of them expected and both Lindsey and Stevie were already thinking of how exactly they were going to deal with it. The chance of taking her time was snatched away from Alice and now all she really had was her real parents, whom she barely knew.

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