I want to meet her

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Stevie woke up alone and she wasn't surprised. She didn't know if Lindsey came back from wherever he went to after their fight, she didn't hear him. When she got out of bed, Stevie called Karen and asked her to find Sheryl. Stevie wasn't interested in how, but she was thankful, when Karen called her back about two hours later, saying that Sheryl would be arriving in the afternoon. 

Coming downstairs, Stevie didn't find Lindsey there, but she noticed his boots and jacket by the door, so he had to be home. She climbed the stairs again and knocked on one of the guest rooms, to which the door was closed. No answer came, but Stevie twisted the doorknob anyway. She found Lindsey in bed, asleep with his clothes still on. 

Clearing her throat, Stevie spoke up softly. "Lindsey?" He stirred, but his eyes didn't open, so she called his name again, approaching the bed. 

Taking a deep breath and rubbing at his eyes, Lindsey woke up, instantly sitting up. "What?" He asked, sounding very cold.

"Sheryl should be coming soon."

Lindsey just nodded once and disappeared in the bathroom, clearly indicating that Stevie should leave. She knew he was hurt, upset and also very angry, he need space and time, so she left, without even attempting to start up a conversation.

The doorbell rang half and hour later or so and Stevie went to answer it, staring at Sheryl intently. Without a word, she stepped aside and let the woman in, leading her to the living room. 

"I'll tell Lindsey that you're here." 

A moment later, Stevie returned with Lindsey following behind her. She wanted to take a seat, but Lindsey was quicker to tell her... "Leave us alone."

"Excuse me?"

"I want to speak to Sheryl alone." Lindsey repeated, giving Stevie a pointed look.

Sighing, Stevie walked out of the room once again, going up to the bedroom, shutting the door loudly.

"I take it, she told you." Sheryl broke the silence, feeling rather uncomfortable. 

"Last night." Lindsey nodded, clasping his hands as he leaned forward a little. 

"I do honestly believe she thought it was best for Alice."

"Please, don't defend her." Lindsey shook his head, holding his hands up as if to stop Sheryl. "I'm not mad that she gave the baby up for adoption, I'm mad that first of, she didn't even let me know she was pregnant. I'm mad that when you returned over a year later, she paid you off to disappear from her life. That's just wrong." Lindsey said simply, with a shrug of his shoulders. "What I want to know is why are you back again?"

"Alice knows that she's adopted." Sheryl seemed sad, saying that. "Once she was old enough to notice, she started asking why she looked nothing like me or my ex-husband, or any of the other family members for that matter. She wanted to know how I felt, when I found out I was expecting, how it was like when I was carrying her, what was I doing when it was time for her to be welcomed into this world... I just... At first I shrugged it off, but I didn't want to keep lying to her. Alice is a good girl, she deserves better than to be lied to. So, I chose to tell her the truth. I told her that John and I adopted her when she was just born."

Lindsey knew that he might not be the father, but he was still becoming emotional, because there was also a chance that he was. "Did you tell Alice the whole truth? Who her true parents are?"

"No. I understand that Stevie's in the public eye and what a secret like this coming up to surface could do. Besides, I don't even know who the real father is, nor does Stevie." Sheryl shrugged, adding. "But Alice wants to know where she came from."

"So, that's why you're back?" Lindsey asked to make sure.

Nodding her head, Sheryl confirmed. "Yes. I don't know what's going on in your and Stevie's life, so at first, I wanted to talk this through with you two or Stevie at least, before I made any promises to Alice. Since the adoption wasn't closed, I thought Stevie might want to get to know her daughter after all."

"I wish I knew what she wants and what's going through her head..." Lindsey trailed off, sounding wistful. "I never in a million years thought she could do something like this. We're two closest people to each other and..." Cocking his head back, Lindsey fought back tears. "I wanted kids with her. When we got married, we tried, but we were unsuccessful. The fact we might have a daughter and I only know about her now, when she's what, thirteen years old? It breaks my heart." They grew quiet, when Lindsey looked up, glancing at Sheryl, before dropping his eyes low. "If you hadn't showed up, I probably would have never found out. So, thank you."

Smiling weakly, Sheryl asked. "You want to meet her, don't you?"

"Badly. I... I also want a paternity test, I have to know." 

Nodding her understanding, Sheryl said. "Of course. However, let's not start with that, huh? I think, first, we should all sit down together and explain what really happened to Alice, her feelings are the only ones to be considered in this situation."

"I completely agree." Lindsey nodded, standing up. "I'll be right back."

Taking two steps at a time, Lindsey opened the bedroom door, seeing Stevie curled up in a ball on her side, hearing her sniffle. "Join us."

"Do I have to?" 

"You do." Lindsey said, plainly, leaving no room for discussion. 

Reentering the living room, Lindsey took a seat where he was sitting a few minutes ago, showing Stevie to do the same. "Alice knows that Sheryl isn't her biological mother and she wants to know her real parents. I want to know her, too." Stevie didn't say anything. "Well?"

"Does it matter what I think?" Stevie shrugged. "You're going to do it anyway."

"How can you be so indifferent? We don't know if I'm the father, but we for sure know you're her mother. Don't you care at all?" 

"I just..." Clearly, there was something Stevie wanted to say, but she chose not to, thinking that nothing she said would matter. "Sure, fine."

"First of all, we're going to talk to Alice. Once we get to know each other a little, we're going to get a paternity test done. I think it's only fair to her and me." Lindsey stated, to which Stevie just gave a nod of her head. "Alright then." Facing Sheryl, he said. "I have your number now, so I'll contact you shortly."

"Okay." Sheryl agreed and Lindsey accompanied her to the door. 

Coming back, Lindsey didn't find Stevie where he left her and he didn't care enough to go look for her.

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