More than anything

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~10 years later~

With a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, Stevie hugged Alice tightly, well as tightly as she could due to circumstances, holding on for a moment longer, before pulling back. "You are so beautiful, sweetheart."

"Mom, stop... I'll ruin my makeup." Alice cocked her head back, taking in a deep breath.

"I just... I can't believe you're getting married in less than half an hour. It seems like it was yesterday, when we were reunited and look at you know." Stevie took Alice's hands in hers, kissing them both. "You're about to make David the happiest man on earth."

"Well, he makes me pretty happy, too." Alice said, thinking of her husband to be. "Where's Daddy by the way?"

"Thinking of ways how to sabotage the wedding, most likely." Stevie joked, receiving a look from her daughter. "I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean that. It's just hard for him, you know, giving away his little girl."

"Yeah, so little." Alice rolled her eyes, emphasizing by placing her hands on her nearly nine month pregnant belly. 

They just couldn't decide on the date. At first, Alice was set on getting married right after David proposed, but then she found out she was expecting, so they postponed, agreeing to get married after the baby was born, but when she started counting weeks until she was due, Alice changed her mind once again, wanting to bring her and David's baby into this world as a married couple. 

"Hush now. This is my grandbaby you're talking about." Stevie pressed her palm against Alice's belly, feeling a strong kick. "Hey there, baby girl." Stevie smiled, robbing the spot gently. "While we wait for your father, I'll bring something to you, I almost forgot."

Nodding, Alice sat down, breathing out heavily, she had no idea how she was going to make it through the ceremony without getting completely exhausted. 

Stevie reentered her daughter's room in a few minutes, carrying something in her hand. She took a seat beside Alice, showing a beautiful heart shaped locket. "This is your something old."

"Whose is this?" Alice asked, looking it over. "It's gorgeous."

"When... when we attended Sheryl's funeral, your aunt gave this to me. She said, Sheryl wanted me to keep it until your wedding and give it to you on this special day."

Alice's eyes brimmed with tears, as she swallowed the lump in her throat, facing Stevie. "You held onto this for all this time?"

"Of course. This belonged to your grandma, then to your Mom and now it belongs to you. You know me and you know that I believe they're both here with us today."

"Could you... please help me put it on?"

Smiling, Stevie nodded and quickly clasped the piece of jewelry around Alice's neck. "Beautiful."

"I do miss her today more than ever." Alice admitted, taking the tissue that Stevie handed to her.

"And that's fine, of course you miss her, baby." 

"If I didn't have you as well, I couldn't go through this."

"Well, good thing I am here."  Pressing a kiss to her temple, Stevie squeezed Alice around her shoulders, as they both then turned towards the door, where Lindsey stood, wearing a black tuxedo.

"Hello there, Mr. Buckingham." Stevie gave him a look, biting on her lip. "You look pretty damn fine."

"Mom, Jesus..." Alice covered her eyes, causing both her parents to start laughing. 

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