She would never

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Weeks had passed, but Alice wasn't feeling completely at home just yet. There was no question that Stevie and Lindsey adored her to bits, still, there was a lot of getting used to. Alice's life had changed completely and she had a hard time dealing with it. Besides the obvious changes, Alice was still thinking about Sheryl a lot; is she doing alright, does she miss me, does she think about me, where is she, is she alone? Although, Alice was doing better compared to when she found that letter. 

The door to Alice's room was ajar, but Stevie knocked anyway. Alice was on her bed with a book in hand, but she put it away, seeing Stevie. "I'm going out with a couple of my friends, we're having lunch and probably doing some shopping later. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to join us?"


"They know about you."

Smiling a little, Alice then shook her head. "I think, I'd like to stay here and finish my book if that's alright."

"Well, of course, whatever you want." Stevie shrugged her shoulders, however, she couldn't hide her disappointment. 

"Maybe some other time." 

"Yeah, okay." Forcing a smile, Stevie left the room, entering her and Lindsey's bedroom across the hall. 

Stevie wanted to include Alice in everything she did, but more often than not, Alice politely declined. Stevie thought they were okay, from the first day they met, Alice seemed to be warm and understanding towards her, but ever since Sheryl disappeared, something changed. Stevie knew she shouldn't have been so overjoyed when Alice called her Mom, the girl was hurting and she needed comfort, but it felt so wonderful and Stevie longed to hear it again. Just give her time, Steph, Lindsey's words echoed in her head and she hoped to God he was right.

"You're going somewhere?" Lindsey asked, when Stevie came downstairs a while later. 

"Yeah, I'm going to meet with the girls and I thought I'd bring Alice along, so they could meet her, but..." Sighing, Stevie stepped into Lindsey's open arms. "She said, she'd rather finish reading her book."

Kissing her temple, Lindsey tightening his embrace, knowing how hard this was for Stevie. "Maybe Alice isn't comfortable meeting our friends yet."

"Linds, it's not about that and you know it. She just doesn't want to spend any time with me and I don't get it. Is she finally angry at me, because I gave her away, is that it?"

"Oh, Steph, don't say that." Lindsey pulled back, shaking his head. "You can see it, if anything she loves you."

"Then why?" Stevie looked up at him tearfully and it broke his heart, seeing her in pain.

"I wish I knew, baby, I do. But I'm sure she'll come around. This is all so new to Alice, I'm sure she's overwhelmed."

"Well, she doesn't seem to have any problem being with you." Stevie said, freeing herself from his arms. 

"Don't do that, Stevie. It's not like I'm telling her to avoid you, maybe for some reason, right now she just feels more comfortable around me. You don't have to be... jealous." Lindsey knew he probably shouldn't have said that.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just her mother." Stevie glared at him, before grabbing her handbag and slamming the door on her way out.

Not sure if it was the right thing to do, Lindsey decided to talk to Alice. Climbing the stairs up, he stopped by Alice's room, to which the door was now closed. "Alice?" He knocked and got no answer. "Alice, may I come in?"

After a moment, a weak sounding yes could be heard. Lindsey was instantly worried, seeing her red eyes, she'd clearly been crying. "Hey... what's wrong?" Sitting down on the bed, Lindsey gently pulled Alice's hands away from her face. "Why the tears, sweetheart?"

"I don't want to hurt her..." Alice shook her head, looking at her father, heavy tears threatening to spill.

"You're... you're not." 

"I am. I just..."

"It's okay, calm down. Take your time." Lindsey sat, patiently waiting for Alice to open up. But she didn't, the silence between them becoming too much. "Alright, maybe Stevie is a little hurt, but it's because she feels that you're avoiding her, that you're mad at her for some reason. She might not feel this way if you were ignoring us both, but it's not easy for her, seeing us doing stuff together. Don't get me wrong, I love every second we spend together."

A weak smile crossed her lips and Alice nodded. "I do, too. I guess, I want to be with you more, because I never knew what it's like to have a Dad. And I- I don't want to ignore Stevie, because I love her, but..." Alice was overcome with tears again, Lindsey getting closer, pulling her into his arms, rubbing her back. 

"You can talk to me." He assured.

"I'm afraid." Alice managed, confusing Lindsey slightly.

"What's there to be afraid of?" 

"I've been blessed to have two Moms and one of them has already left me. I don't want to get attached to Stevie, then get hurt, when she leaves me, too."

"Oh God, Alice..." Lindsey shook his head, cradling her beautiful face in his hands. "That's not going to happen, ever. Stevie knows what a massive mistake she's made, when she gave you up for adoption and you couldn't possibly imagine how absolutely thrilled she is to have you back. She would never just leave you. She loves you more than anything. She definitely loves you more than me and dare I say, that's saying something." Lindsey joked, wanting to lighten up the mood, hating the tears streaming down his daughter's face. Smiling, Alice wiped under her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. "You need to tell Stevie, what you just told me, sweetheart."

Nodding, Alice agreed. "I know. I must tell her that I'm really sorry. I just couldn't help feeling the way I did after Sheryl disappeared." 

Lindsey was taken aback, never once before hearing Alice referring to the woman who raised her as Sheryl, but he didn't mention it. "You shouldn't, because I mean it, saying Stevie will always be there for you."

Opening her arms, Alice hugged Lindsey, thanking him. He smiled, reaching to dry the remnants of her tears, before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I love you, Dad." Alice then said, now Lindsey's eyes brimming with tears.

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