A beautiful dream?

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Stretching his arm to the other side of the bed, Lindsey's eyes shot open. Empty. Sitting up abruptly, he frowned. Was it a dream? Did he imagine Stevie coming to him? Lindsey looked towards the open balcony door, the curtains slightly moving because of the breeze. Getting out of bed, he crossed the room and made out Stevie's figure in nearly complete darkness. He breathed out heavily, feeling relieved, as he joined her in the balcony, circling his arms around her waist from behind, kissing the back of her head.

"For a minute I thought it was all just a beautiful dream."

Smiling, Stevie leaned back into him, placing her hands over his. "No, I just couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake you up from twisting and turning."

"What's bothering you?" Lindsey asked, dipping his head a little, pressing his lips softly to her shoulder.

"All of it." She shrugged, turning in his arms, laying her head on his chest. "I thought I had lost you and Alice. It was all my fault."

"We've been over this, Steph. I truly wish we stopped talking about it." Lindsey rested his chin on top of her head, stroking her hair. "We can't change the past, but we can make the future a whole lot better."

Smiling sadly, Stevie put her arms around his back, kissing his bare chest. "What if... what if Alice changes her mind about us, about me... What if she decides that her life with Sheryl is all she needs and she'll put us behind."

"Don't think like that, babe. You must understand, that poor girl has been through so much in such a short period of time. Alice needs to think it all through, process it and we can't do anything about it. We have to allow her space and time, until she comes back to us."

"But what if-"

"She will, Stevie. I'm sure she already loves you and I know you adore her to pieces. You've got to be patient."

"I hope you're right. I don't know if I could survive losing her again." Stevie whispered the second sentence, looking up at Lindsey tearfully. 

Cradling her face in his hands, Lindsey leaned and kissed her lips, lingering for a moment, before drawing back. "You won't. It's only a question of time. I think we owe her that, don't you?"

Nodding her head, Stevie agreed. "We do, we definitely do."

Smiling at her slightly, Lindsey took Stevie by her hand and led her back into the room, walking her to the bed. He showed her to lay down and joined her right away. He was on his side as she lay on her back, both at the same time meeting each other for a kiss. His hand moved over her silky smooth skin, caressing her hip, as she locked her hands behind his neck keeping him close. His tongue trailed over her lip and without hesitation she opened her mouth, their kiss becoming more heated. She moaned and her thighs involuntarily parted, his fingers traveling to her abdomen, making small circles. She untied the sash of the robe she was wearing, sitting up a little to take it off. 

"Make love to me..." She nearly begged, as she pulled back slightly staring into his eyes. 

"What's the rush?" He teased, kissing her again, two of his fingers began touching her, causing her to moan. Moving them up and down, in circles against her, slickly, never once parting their lips. Despite how wonderful it felt, she wanted more, tugging at the waistband of his boxers. "What's the rush?" He repeated once more, as she groaned, frustrated. 

The sudden loss of his touch made her look at him, confusion across her face. Not for long however. Walking to the edge of the bed, he closed his hands around her ankles, pulling her towards himself, as he then got down on his knees. A load moan passed through her lips, her back arched, her fingers twisting in his hair as he wasted no time, building her up again almost immediately. Shortly, her voice grew higher and her hips lifted off the mattress, hands keeping him in place, as her chest rose and fell again rapidly and his name echoed around the room. 

Quite satisfied with himself, he lay down beside her again, kissing her lips eagerly. "You're so sexy when you come, I wish you could see yourself."

Naturally, she blushed, smiling shyly as she covered her face. "Don't say that..."

"Why not, it's not dirty if you don't make it out to be. It's beautiful to me, seeing what I can do to you with my touch."

"That was a lot more than a touch." She chuckled, then sighed feeling content.

"You get what I meant." Kissing her again, he then moved up to the headboard and she followed, straddling his lap. "We don't have to. You look spent."

"All thanks to you." 

"Nothing makes me happier that pleasuring you." He shrugged, his palms soothing up and down her sides slowly. "I've paid for this room for a few more days, we have a lot of time left for lovemaking."

Looking at him for a moment longer, she got off him and lay down, cuddling up to his side. "I love you so much."

"And I love you so much more." Kissing her forehead, he said and several short minutes later, he noticed her breathing had even out. Smiling to himself, he kissed her again and closed his eyes.

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