Someone Following...

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Hi guyzz! Sorry for not updating lately..I've been busy studying and what else, WAtching SnK!Well...Here's the next Chapter enjoy!}

The guy walked Kagura home,while walking the guy observed her.'Those eyes,they're beautiful' he thought..When Kagura caught him staring at her she blushed and looked back,scanning her face with her hands." I-is T-there's somethin O-on my F-face??!" she stammered.Ryuu was amazed rather than surprised when she saw kagura's flushed face. He smiled gently and held kagura's chin up;lowering down to Kagura and said with a husky voice.."I was just looking at your luring eyes". Kagura felt nervous and weak;she pushed Ryuu from him and covered her face."Ahmmm....I'm just kiddin'...Just makin' fun of you that's all.." Ryuu said while he looked at Kagura.She slowly took away her hands from  her face and looked at the innocent guy,he looked like he doesn't did anything,noticing this,Kagura thought that the guy was telling the truth that he's just making fun of her,It gave her a sigh of relief.

"Anyway,where do you live Kagura-chan?" the guy suddenly asked her."Just as I said a while ago,my boss is waiting for me,so it means that I'm living with Him." the female yato explained."Wait....Him??" The guy was bothered."Yes.He's a him,anyways they're HIm's" she said blankly."So?They're many?!Are you a prostitute or courtesan,something like that?!" he was shocked on what he had heard...."What!?No way..I am not!It's just 2 of them!TWO!!!" she yelled in front of him.."But,are you sure that they're good people,I can cut them for you...If you want" He offered and grinned."Of course they're good!!Why will I live with them if they are gangsters or lolicons??!!And no thanks,if they're bad then I can just kick their heads off" she yelled."Oh... " This was expected for a yato like her..No fears,but once they saw their true enemies fear take over and blood will control their bodies- he thought just before Kagura called him not actually but he knows it's him."Hey!Jyuu-kun you can go now since I'm home" she looked back at the guy and waved her goodbye..she closed the door and left the guy alone......



That's only for today! Sorry for posting short chapter lately...Anyway I'll try my best to make a longer one next time!

P.S: I need to make this story as faster as I can because my mom won't allow me to use the computer so....Sorry for the wrong spellings or grammars! <3 Bye ~

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