Stealing His Position being Kagura's Master?

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I'm sorry If I said it was gonna be Kagura's P.O.V but it turns out to be just a Normal point of view... :))


Kagura was holding her umbrella,shielding her from the sun.She headed to the park,she thought she could refresh her mind there..*sigh* she sighed then walked towards the swing,she sat,got her sukonbu,munched it then swayed with the swing.She was thinking about the guy she met before.Since she met the guy,she felt something unexplainable and uncomprehensible...she's mystified by the guy... Her train of thoughts were interrupted when somebody covered her eyes.

She shuddered then thought 'Who might  this be!!??'... "Hmmm....Who are you??!!" she asked and but no one replied..."Ahhh....if you don't wanna confess then..I'll guess........This is interesti-" wait..I know  someone who likes playing with me...Let me guess.. "Sadist...?" the unknown person uncovered Kagura's eyes..She turned around to meet the guy's blood red eyes.."Ohoho...who is this sadist?!" the guy said.."Ohh...It's you!" Hmm..I'm just thinkin' of you and now you're here,how fortunate."Yup!It's me so...did you missed me? he asked then smirked.."Why would I miss you??" she felt weird but did not blush..weird."Hmm..Denying it huh..." He smirked once again.."You assuming jerk face..No!" she pouted.."Well then..China girl...why does your reaction a while ago surprised more like satisfied to see me" she was about to retort but something suddenly stopped her..Did she just said Ch-china?I think I knew someone who calls me by that name...Is it s- "KAGURA-CHAN!!!!" the guy called.."Ohh..what??!" she said looking up at him..He lowered down then simpered.." missed me huh?" Kagura just looked at him with an irritated face.'What's with this guy...crazy.." she thought.

With the Yoruzuya 

"So are you telling me that she's with a stranger and you're not aware of that" the demonic captain looked at the two shivering man with a death stare.." know,we really thought that your wi-" 'You already told me that.....So what's your plan??!" he questioned the two more like ordering them to do something instantly.."Ahh umm..Ahh..We-we'll spy on them..And u-umm and spy on them of course!" Shinpachi said while looking at Gin then to Sougo.."Yeah!Wh-What ahh great plan! C'mon" Gin said then ran outside,shinpachi then followed."Where might she be?" he pondered his thought..

Gin and Shinpachi ran and ran and little they know they had reached the park.."Whoo..*sigh* Shinpachi at least we had ran away from the dem-" he was cut off when he heard someone arguing..

"What made you think that I missed you??!We just met yesterday and now you're saying that.......ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH ME-aru??!".. "That voice...Th-at it......but who's with her" Gin thought and hid behind a bush.."Oy...Danna..don't steal my spot.." Gin turned around to meet the sadist's face.."Ohh...Souichirou-kun you're already here..I'm g-glad.." he said.."Umm..Excuse me,I'm being stamped here-owww" "Shut up Megane..I can't hear them" the sadistic brothers said in unison.

"Hey China..You're the one who's assuming..Don't think highly of yourself!You're pretty but I'm not satisfied.."   They ran around the park,chasing each other..Sougo can see Kagura's smile under the frown she's giving the 'jerkface' .....The guy annoyed Sougo the hell out of him.."He's been stealing my place with my slave and now he's calling her 'China' like what I do"..'What does this guy want" he thought irritated by watching the two playing with their smiles shining so bright that it can blind anybody's eyes..or maybe only his.."Wait here Danna..I'll do so-"...."NO souichirou-kun..Me and Shinpachi will handle this...It's our responsibily anyway.." Gin said while looking at Shinpachi."Right?Megane?" .."Like I can..." Shinpachi said still laying down beneath them..

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